Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion – How to Maximize Accessory and Materia Slots
When you first start playing Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion, Zack's slots will be pretty sparse but they can quickly be expanded.
When you first start playing Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion, Zack's slots will be pretty sparse but they can quickly be expanded.
If you missed anything on your first playthrough of Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion, you might be wondering what carries over to NG+.
When you reach the end of Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion, you'll notice a very ominous light in the Lake of Oblivion.
There are seven materia that you need to find to enter the final area and fight Genesis in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion.
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion is utterly brimming with mini-games but one of the hardest to find is the Gongaga Falls one.
Earn big money by farming one big Tonberry.
As is often the case in Final Fantasy games, the Genji equipment is among the best armor in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion.
As you make your way through Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion, there are certain missions that can be missed by not talking to NPCs.
Toward the end of your journey through Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion you'll find yourself in Nibelheim. These are its seven wonders.
One of the easiest summons to miss for you DMW in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion is the Magic Pot. Here's where you can find it.
There are a lot of things that the player can easily miss in Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion and these two summons are among them.
Ensuring Zack is a great match for Aerith in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion can be tough so follow our guide here just to be sure.
You'll surely be happy that Chapter 5 of Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion doesn't have as many missables as the previous chapter did.
The end of Chapter 7 in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion is your cut-off for finding the Wutai spies so we're listing them all here.
One of the toughest things about getting everything in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion is how many missables there are.
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion is packed with missable quests and trophies and an easy on to pass on is the fanclub side quest.
Midway through your journey in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion you'll acquire the Buster Sword. Here's how to make the most of it.
As seems to be the case throughout Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion, Chapter 4 has its fair share of missable trophies.
Does it work well on Switch?
The fourth chapter of Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion features three mini-games and we're going to tell you how to beat them all.
Being that there are so many things that can be easily missed in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion, players must be extra vigilant.
More like Zack Flair Amiright?