Zack Fair, the bubbly, beloved face of Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, and its newly launched remaster, Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, has seemingly become central figure in the plotline of the Final Fantasy VII Remake due to events that transpired at the end of the game, and the Intergrade expansion. Already intense speculation was growing off the back of the way with which the game ended that Zack was going to have a prominent role to play in the upcoming Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth, but now recent comments, clearly spurred by the launch of the Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion remaster, have added fuel to the Zack Fair fire ahead of Rebirth’s targeted Winter 2023-24 release window.
Eagle-eyed Final Fantasy fan and Twitter personality, @Aitaikimochi highlighted some key points made in a new Famitsu interview made with Zack’s Japanese voice actor, Kenichi Suzumura where he discussed Zack’s level of involvement in the coming sequel,
Crisis Core FFVII Reunion is a game made with the utmost quality, and I hope we can enjoy it together and experience those feelings [from the original story] once more!
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Square-Enix have made it abundantly clear for fans that the Final Fantasy VII they knew is not the Final Fantasy VII they’re getting in this remade saga. The presence of Zack, in the capacity that he’s portrayed in both the core game, as well as the Intergrade expansion indicates as much. Fans of the Zack Fair know full well how his story ends in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion, and new fans will learn soon enough, but the original tale doesn’t leave much room for change in the character. The way with which Square-Enix is going to have to manipulate the storyline, something they can now do given how Final Fantasy VII Remake ended, is going to have to be significant, but you cannot help but feel as though fans will be happy for Zack Fair to once again return to the spotlight, perhaps playing a bigger part in the current day crisis than ever before.
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion is available now on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC, while Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth is coming to PC and PS5 in Winter 2023-24.