As is the case with most of the chapters in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion, Chapters 4 and 5 have a few missable trophies, achievements, items, and quests for you to track down. Luckily for you, we’re going to give you some pointers to help you stay on track. So, with that in mind, read on, and we’ll break down what you need to be on the lookout for in Chapters 4 and 5 of your journey through Midgar and the surrounding regions.
Other Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion Guides:
All Missables from Chapters 1 & 2 – All Missables in Chapter 3 – How to Beat the Chapter 4 Mini-Games – How Does Buster Sword Proficiency Work? – How to Save All the Fan Clubs – All Missables in Chapters 6 & 7 – How to Find All Wutai Spies – How to Gain Aerith’s Maximum Affection
All Missable Trophies and Achievements for Chapters 4 & 5 of Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion
In Chapter 4 of Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion, you will find three mini-games in the market area when Zack is traveling with Aerith. These can only be accessed after Zack has finished the wallet side quest with Bruno and gotten his wallet back. We’re not going to be breaking down how to win all three of them here, as we’ve covered that in a previous guide that you can find linked above. The link will explain how to master all three of the mini-games, which will, in turn, land you three trophies or achievements.
In fact, mastery of the mini-games is also needed if you want to make Zack the best possible match for Aerith. We have a guide for that above as well because, once again, it’s a bit complex to explain.

There is another missable trophy in Hojo’s lab. To the left of the scientist, there is a console that is used for Mako recovery. The trick is that you will have to finish the 5-second countdown from the machine in your head. Since this is insanely tough to nail down, we’re linking to a video that will help you with the timing. Getting 100% of Mako recovered will nab you another trophy.
That’s not all, though. There’s yet another missable trophy in Hojo’s Lab. To get it, you need to walk up to the containment chamber and go inside. To get released, you need to answer Hojo’s questions. You want to choose the first answer, then the second answer, and finally, the second answer again. Hojo will then deem you a worthy specimen, netting you another achievement.
The next missable trophy you want to be on the lookout for is the Cell Raider achievement. To get it, you’ll have to wait until you meet up with Hojo in the Shinra Tower. Once you do, push the button that you definitely shouldn’t push, and it will release monsters onto the previous floor. Now, equip the Steal materia and use it on all 6 monsters before killing them. This will get you 6 cell keys that can be used to open the cells in the area. Each cell has 3 treasures, and you must open all 18 total chests in order to get the Cell Raider trophy after you return to Hojo. Keep in mind that, though there is an option to check the toilets as well, you don’t need to do that.