The Alan Wake 2 Cult Stashes in Watery have a unique distinction — one of these puzzles is bound to become a viral sensation for being so difficult. If you’re good at math, you won’t even blink at once of these problems, but the rest of us might spend an hour trying to calculate a relatively tough equation. At least, in video game terms. When was the last time you needed to bust out a pen and paper to figure out a survival-horror game puzzle?
Luckily, we’ll make unlocking all the stashes easy. We’ve got the codes and puzzle solutions listed below for your browsing convenience. In this instance, finding the stash is so much easier than actually solving it.
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All Cult Stash Locations | Watery

Stash #1: Next to the Watery Hunting Shack. There’s a puzzle to the right of the stash — to tell which numbers you need, look for the crossbow bolts. The number of bolts in the number shows the order in which you need to put the numbers for the lock code.
- Input the code [5-2-7] to unlock the stash.
- This stash contains the Crossbow. Don’t miss out on all the Crossbow bolts you can now collect to the right.

Stash #2: Found to the left of the Slow Roaster Ferris Wheel. There’s a puzzle on the stash that states ‘Only the striped cups’ — look at those for the solution. Each cup has a number printed on it. Make note of the cups with blue stripes and you’ll have your code.
- Input the code [1-4-7].

Stash #3: Located behind and to the right of the Huotari Well. Look behind the smiling signpost to get your key. There’s a huge coffee pot mascot statue in the center of the park. Go behind it and look in the small grassy spot to the left to get a key.

Stash #4: Found near the Watery Lighthouse. To the west of the Lighthouse, look for a ledge you can climb up onto. This leads to a stash with a puzzle lock.
- To solve this puzzle, look around the area for symbols marked with I, II, and III. Those are the symbols you need to input.
- The first symbol is down on a lower ledge. It is two vertical triangles pointing down.
- The second symbol is far to the right of the stash. It is two vertical triangles pointing up.
- The third symbol is to the right of the stash, behind a tree. It is two horizontal triangles pointing down.

Stash #5: Near the Hunting Shack Break Room. Travel east to a rocky passage you can reach by ducking under a fallen log. It leads to a cliff with the stash container.
- This is another simple Simon Sez puzzle. Copy the order of the flashing green lights or press [Restart] if you need to see the order again.

Stash #6: Located in the flooded section of the Lighthouse Trailer Park. Look in the yard just south of ‘My’ Trailer. There’s a stash here. To find the key, look to the right. There’s a board you can walk up like a ramp in the corner that leads to the key.

Stash #7: Found on the docks in the southeast of Downtown Watery. After completing the Overlap in Coffee World, return to Downtown and look at the docks. There’s a new dock you can access with this stash. This is easily the trickiest stash to solve in the game if you aren’t good at math.
- Input the code [4-9-6] to solve.
- This is a math problem. Essentially, you need to solve for [x]. You can do the calculation yourself or just input the code above. After a little math, it becomes obvious the code must be around 500~. Once you figure that out, you can solve the rest of the problem or just guess.

Stash #8: Located behind the Kalevala Knights Workshop. You’ll need the Boltcutters (acquired in Return 5) to unlock the gate leading behind the shop. The code corresponds to the spare parts. Look for the number of Ferris Wheel seats, rocket carts, and boats.
- To unlock the stash, input the code [5-4-2]
And that completes all the stashes in Watery. The final set of stashes are found in Bright Falls.