Don’t miss out on the Crossbow in Alan Wake 2. Depending on how you progress the story and if you’re searching everywhere you go, it is possible to miss the Crossbow or get it much later in the story. The Crossbow is an incredibly valuable weapon that can score one-shot kills if you get the right upgrades. Not only that, but you’ll be able to recover the bolts from the ground or even dead enemies. Keeping a stock of Crossbow Bolts is surprisingly easy if you’re patient and learn how to use it.
The Crossbow is available in Saga’s story — Return 3 — and found in the dumpy town of Watery. This not-so-cozy village is south of Bright Falls, and adding the Crossbow to your arsenal will make the challenges here a little more manageable. Unlike the Shotgun, the Crossbow isn’t found in an easy-to-identify gun case. You’ll need to be solving the Cult Stashes to get it. Learn where to find it and how to solve the puzzle below.
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Where To Find The Crossbow | Weapon Guide
The Crossbow is a powerful single-shot weapon that can hit enemies with devastating force. It’s also cumbersome to use, slow to reload, and takes time to travel through the air. Hitting enemies with the Crossbow requires a little more finesse than your average shotgun — but it’s still extremely valuable. Crossbow Bolts can be collected from bodies or picked up off the ground if you miss. That means you’ll (usually) have a steady supply of Crossbow Bolts, even when you’re fighting lots of enemies. You won’t want to miss this totally optional weapon.

- Crossbow Location: The Crossbow can be collected during Return 3 — after Saga travels to Watery. In Watery, she’ll need to find a detour to reach the trailer part across the bridge.
- Travelling north up the trail, you’ll encounter a Hunting Shack Break Room. Outside this save room, you’ll also find a Cult Stash.
- To unlock the Cult Stash, input the code [5-2-7].
How is the puzzle solved? To the right of the stash, there are multiple numbers. Three of those numbers have crossbow bolts embedded in them. Depending on how many crossbow bolts there are, you’ll know what order they go in — one bolt goes in the first slot, two bolts the second, and three bolts the third. So, you’ll get the code 5-2-7 by checking the numbers.

- After collecting the Crossbow, you’ll be able to stock up on bolts by harvesting the ammo from the shooting range. You can take all six bolts.
The Crossbow is an extremely slow and hard-to-use weapon, but a good shot can kill some Taken in a single hit. Through Manuscript Fragment Upgrades, you can unlock the ability to fire twice before reloading, or to hold down the fire button to charge your attack, making it stronger. All of the upgrades are worthwhile, so it’s in your best interest to get one ASAP.
The Crossbow is a weapon that requires high skill, but you won’t want to miss it. Also, if you want to share this weapon with Alan Wake, make sure to drop it into the Shoe Box. Both characters can share weapons by doing this. To swap heroes, simply use the puddle in the Janitor’s Room. There’s one in every major map area.