The Talos Principle 2: How to Solve the Lost Marshes – Part 1
We're on to a new area and a whole new item swapping mechanic as we reach the Lost Marshes in The Talos Principle 2.
We're on to a new area and a whole new item swapping mechanic as we reach the Lost Marshes in The Talos Principle 2.
It's time to wrap things up in The Flooded Valley as we continue to make our way through the many challenges of The Talos Principle 2.
Our path through the Flooded Valley continues to unfold as we make our way toward the halfway point of The Talos Principle 2.
It's time to face the challenges of the Flooded Valley as our journey through The Talos Principle 2 continues.
We wrap up with yet another area as we finish off the Desolate Island area of the puzzler sequel, The Talos Principle 2.
It's time to do a bit more body swapping as we continue through the Desolate Island area in The Talos Principle 2.
Things are about to get a little weird as we head into the Desolate Island area in The Talos Principle 2 and try some new mechanics.
Now that we're finally inside the megastructure in The Talos Principle 2, it's time to put our knowledge to the test.
It's finally time to open up a path to that megastructure as we finish off the Eastern Wetlands in The Talos Principle 2.
As our journey through the Eastern Wetlands goes on, The Talos Principle 2 continues to wrinkle our brains and test our methods.
You're going to once again need to learn some new mechanics as you start another new area in The Talos Principle 2.
We're on the path to completing this realm as we wrap up the Wooded Plateau in The Talos Principle 2 and head onto the next area.
Saddle up folks because the puzzles keep getting more complex as we continue our way through The Talos Principle 2.
You will gain access to a whole new host of skills and contraptions as you make your way through the Wooded Plateau in The Talos Principle 2.
The Talos Principle 2 gets even more challenging as we wrap up the third and final part of The Grasslands area with Part 3.
The Talos Principle 2 continues to punch up the difficulty as players enter the second phase of the Grasslands area.
After you've finished the opening area of The Talos Principle 2, this will likely be your first proper puzzle to tackle.
Now that you've solved the green and yellow block areas, you can move onto the red block area in The Talos Principle 2.
The puzzles only get more complicated as you move from the first area in The Talos Principle 2 to the second and third area.
The first proper area in The Talos Principle 2 has a few tricky puzzles that could trip up gamers who aren't used to the game's mechanics.
Considering how big of an advantage each Rosary Knot gives you in Blasphemous II, you're definitely going to want to track them down.
Blasphemous II gives you three different ways to take out your opponents but if you're second guessing your choice, don't worry about it.
The "A Wife Wafted Away" quest in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom can be an especially confounding quest to solve.
As players will well know, there is a truly staggering amount of Shrines to find and complete in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom