Shiny Pokemon are a huge part of the Pokémon franchise since they released them in Pokémon Gold/Silver. Collecting Shiny Pokemon is something that almost all hardcore players do and since Pokémon Sun/Moom and Sword/Shield released, you can now get Shiny Pokemon from your starters. But wait, hold up, don’t go and restart your game, because no matter how many times you restart it, you won’t get a Shiny starter.
Alright, so now you are probably asking, “how do I get a starter Shiny Pokemon then?” so we are going to tell you. If you have been hunting around for Shinies, you might already know this, but Sprigatito, Fuecoco, and Quaxly Shinies can only be gotten through hatching them from Eggs…or you can trade with someone who already has the Shiny of that starter Pokémon.
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What You Will Need

The easiest way to get a Shiny Starter Pokemon is by breeding Pokemon. However, there is only one Sprigatito, Fuecoco, and Quaxly in the game, and as you might remember if you started the game, whichever Pokemon you didn’t pick goes to Director Clavell and Nemona. You won’t be able to get the other starter Pokemon unless you trade online with someone who has them.
Now, what you will want to do next is get a Ditto Pokemon. This purple and adorable Pokemon is able to transform into any Pokemon. If you don’t have one already, the best place to look is the west of Medali and it will be around levels 28-30. Unlike how it was in Sword and Shield, the Ditto pokemon will be disguised as a wild Pokemon, but it will shed the Pokemon disguise upon being in battle with you. Now, you want to catch it, and put it in the party with your starter Pokemon.
After completing all of those steps, set up a Picnic, both Ditto and the starter Pokemon have to be in the party for it to work. Now, you want to check the Egg Basket at the foot of the table for Eggs, the basket can hold up to 10 Eggs at once so there’s more than just one sometimes. You can also increase the chances of getting an Egg by making a sweet Sandwich by using sweet ingredients like fruits and whipped cream. This will give Egg Power.
Some people might be against trading, but if you aren’t you can go to the Poke Portal by hitting the X button to open up the menu. There you can pick to trade locally, link code, or trade online. So you can find someone with a Shiny Starter to trade, or even just the basic starter Pokemon to breed with your Ditto.