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There are only two Firefly pendants in the “Tommy’s Dam” chapter of The Last of Us Part 1, so if you’re not careful you may miss them. From a narrative perspective, this makes some sense as Tommy is a former Firefly so some of the people who he’s decided to band together with may have similar origins. It also makes sense that there wouldn’t be more in his crew as those devoted to the cause would likely have headed out to be with a faction of the resistance group.
As mentioned above, the two pendants in Tommy’s Dam are easily missable, so make sure to keep your eyes peeled for them. They’re completely unnecessary if you’re looking to continue the story along (which does make sense as one of the best scenes in the entire game takes place towards the end of the chapter,) but if you’re looking to get the platinum trophy for The Last of Us Part 1, you’ll need to snag them all as the “Fallen Firefly” trophy requires the player to find all 30 of the hidden pendants. Use the guide below to find the two that are in this chapter.
More The Last of Us Part 1 guides:
| Full Trophy List | The Quarantine Zone – Optional Conversations | The Quarantine Zone – All Artifacts | The Quarantine Zone – All Artifacts | All Training Manual Locations | All Workbench Tool Locations | All Workbench Locations | All Joke Locations | The Outskirts – All Optional Conversations | The Outskirts – All Firefly Pendants | The Outskirts – All Artifacts | All Safe Codes | Bill’s Town – All Firefly Pendants | Bill’s Town – All Artifacts | Bill’s Town – All Optional Conversations | All Comic Book Locations | Pittsburgh – All Optional Conversations | Pittsburgh – All Firefly Pendants | Pittsburgh – All Artifact Locations | All Shiv Door Locations | The Suburbs – All Artifacts | The Suburbs – All Firefly Pendants | The Suburbs – Optional Conversations | Tommy’s Dam – All Artifacts | Tommy’s Dam – All Optional Conversations |
Hydroelectric Dam
#1: You won’t be able to find the first Firefly pendant until a good way into the chapter. As Tommy shows you around the dam, you’ll eventually enter a room where he’ll introduce you to two workers that are trying to “bring the dam back to life.” While he’s introducing them, head out the door on the left side of the room and go down three sets of stairs. Once you’re at the bottom, walk through the door on your right, and on the left side of the room between two large blue metal pieces of equipment, you’ll find the pendant.

Ranch House
#1: The other pendant isn’t found until after Joel goes searching for Ellie and tracks her down to a house. The pendant is on the first level on a desk in the living room. It’s just past the staircase that you’ll need to go up before finding Ellie, so walk past it and look for the room with the fireplace. The desk is in the corner.