Monster Hunter Wilds Brings Back Two Weapon Slots
This is pretty cool.
Are the cars too nerfed?
I wonder what they are making next.
I don't know how to feel about it.
The first free tool showed off graphical updates coming to the MMO, but not everyone was impressed.
Get ready for a much biggest chest for your goodies.
Fans will need to wait a little longer to return to The Nowhere.
It's simultaneously wild and cool to fight as a mecha.
If you already pay for online on your Xbox, you won't have to pay for the new COD at all.
Fallout just might be getting more games soon.
Time to take as many pictures as possible!
A new pace to traditional multiplayer modes.
The update will launch on June 6 and include a photo mode.
The game releases on all platforms in just over two weeks.
Giving out free items?
This is certainly one of the most dizzying emotional rollercoasters for gamers.
The more the merrier...but I am not sure.
Look good while racking up SR.