After you’ve made your way through the prologue of Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown and started the central map of this fast-paced Metroidvania, you’ll find yourself quickly at the Old Royal Road area of the game. The area may look small, but it does hide some useful collectibles that you’re going to want to scoop up as you make your way through.
The Old Royal Road is the first area that you travel through when you arrive at Mount Qaf and acts more as an introduction to the area that you will spend hours exploring. Because of that, the zone is very linear, with not too many hidden paths for you to find. This also means that this area has the lowest number of collectibles out of all of the zones, with only 3 to find: 1 Treasure Item, 1 Xerxes Coin, and 1 Lore Item.
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Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown – Old Royal Road | All Collectibles Locations

1st Collectible: From the spot in the middle of this area that looks like two steps, head to the left and make your way through the fortress past a couple of spear guards. Drop down, and cross the bridge. Head through the open door to find the Message Written With Trembling Hand.

2nd Collectible: Starting from the spot where a giant crumbling statue is frozen in the air behind you, head left and jump up the two steps. Jump and dash up the wall, and you’ll find yourself on the roof with a giant bird. Defeat it in order to open up the chest and receive the Crimson Outfit skin.

3rd Collectible: For this one, you’ll have to have started the Lost Soldiers quest. Once you have, you’ll find the first one near the bridge from the above description that you used to find the Message. These enemies are much tougher than regular enemies, but you should be able to defeat them within a couple of tries. You’ll be rewarded with a Xerxes Coin for your efforts.
Congratulations! You’ve completed the Old Royal Road region!