Explore the mansions, casinos, and beachside properties of Santo Ileso with our complete collectibles guide. El Dorado is one of the most collectible-rich environments in the game, packed with unique objects that are incredibly easy to miss. Below, you’ll find pictures and map locations for each object you can add to your church HQ collection and display. You’ll find casino signs, giant golf balls, tacky swans, and much more. We’ve got all the locations below.
For more collectibles, check out the extended guides for every region in Santo Ileso.
- Collectibles Pt. 1: Mercado, Smelterville, Providencia, Old Town & Rojas Desert
- Collectibles Pt. 2: Lakeshore, Flats, Badlands & Lake Sebastian
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How To Earn “The Collector” | Achievement / Trophy Guide
To earn “The Collector” achievement / trophy, you need to find all 115 collectibles. Collectibles become available after completing the “Home Decor” main mission — afterwards, a Collectibles App will appear on your phone. You can use this to track what Collectibles you’ve unlocked. After collecting 5 collectibles, you’ll earn “Finders Keepers” achievement / trophy.
- Story Collectibles: 10 Collectibles are automatically unlocked as you complete the main story.
- Unlocked: As Seen On TV Knife, Cactus Jack, Oversized Boot, Wormy Apple, Dustlander Throne, Gatling Gun, Western Golden Cannon, Caca Cabana, Cow Statue, Hummingbird Codex
- Side-Job Collectibles: 19 Collectibles can be unlocked by completing Ventures and Side-Hustles. Check the icon of the activity to see what you’ll earn. This will all appear on your map and can’t be missed.
That leaves 84 collectibles in the open-world map. To collect, you need to find the location and take a photo. Open your camera by pressing [D-Pad: Up] — here’s where to find each and every collectible in the game, divided by region. Collectibles do not appear on your map, so we’ve posted a picture of the map location and a picture of the actual object in the environment.
Monte Vista | Collectibles Locations

- Giant Golf Ball: Large – Out front of the Woodbrush Country Club Clothing Store.

- Gold Disc Golf Basket: Medium – At the Woodbrush Country Club Clothing Store, check to the north of the country club building.

- Marble: Small – Located at a mansion in the front lawn.

- Carrot Head: Medium – At the Lemoneedle Tattoo Parlor on your map.
Marina West | Collectibles Locations

- Ice Cream Statue: Large – At the Twisty Cream Clothing Store.

- Compass: Medium – Located in the center of the School of Art and Design.

- Flower Spur Statue: Medium – At a small park outside the School of Art and Design campus.

- Bronze Feather: Medium – A glowing gold feather statue in the middle of the main road.

- Anchor Sculpture: Small – Found at the dock in the southwest corner.
El Dorado | Collectibles Locations

- Shoe Light: Medium – A light that looks like a shoe, across the street from the Lancelot.

- Knight: Medium – On the west side of the strip, take a picture of the knight chess piece.

- Swan Float: Medium – At the old water park in the southwest, in the large empty pool.

- Varmint Sign: Wall – The huge “Varmint” sign on the east entrance to the main strip.

- Fox Tails Sign: Wall – At the @Tcha side hustle location in the center of the region.

- Metal Rabbit: Large – At a small park east of Rusty’s Needle. Look for the rabbit statue.

- Gas Pump: Medium – Outside an old rusty auto shop on the eastern edge of the region.

- Calico Queen Sign: Wall – Go to the Calico Queen boat casino docked on the north shore.

- Poker Chips: Small – Just north of the Choplifting gig in the northeast of the region. They’re next to the bus stop.
Visit the upper crust and the crummy casinos.