Table of Contents[Hide][Show]
- Hunting Collectibles In Santo Ileso | Full Map
- Mercado | Discovery Map
- West Providencia
- East Providencia
- Smelterville West
- Smelterville East
- Oldtown West
- Oldtown East
- Rojas Desert North
- Rojas Desert South
- Marina West
- Marina East
- Monte Vista
- Lake Sabastian
- El Dorado
- West Flats
- East Flats
- Lakeshore North
- Lakeshore South
- Badlands North
- Badlands South

There are hundreds of Discoveries to find across the vast map of Santo Ileso, the city you’ll be ruling in Saints Row (2022). Discoveries can be many different things — Lost Wheels, Hidden Histories, Drug Pallettes, Photo Op Hunts, or even rare hidden Shooting Galleries. All of them give you rewards for collecting, and you gain access to all of them as early as Mission 3 in the story. You can get rich early by grabbing all these mini activities or save them until the end of the game. Doing them all can give you special secret rewards, and they’re the best way to earn 100% completion. Unlike other games, it isn’t too hard to track everything down. Get yourself a helicopter and you can clear out the map in a matter of hours.
More Saints Row (2022) guides:
5 Hilariously Weird Unlockables To Get First | 10 Little Details, Controls & Interactions | All Easter Eggs Guide | How To Make Money Early | All Secret Vehicles & Lost Wheel Collectible Locations | Best Car & Helicopter Locations | Gold Garbage Truck Location | Gargantua Monster Truck Location | How To Get A Tank | All Hidden History Locations | Game-Breaking Bug Fix | All Shooting Gallery Locations | All Fast Travel Landmark Locations | How To Complete Car Challenges | Secret Ending Guide
All Collectibles | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Hunting Collectibles In Santo Ileso | Full Map
There are nine types of Discoveries for you to find across the map in Santo Ileso. You’ll find the number of discoveries listed for each region, with screenshots showing all the locations. If it appears a location is missing some discoveries, you may need to check Drug Pallet Pickup locations — these are stacked near each other and can be easily missed. They’re usually grouped in stacks of 3 or 4 drug pallets.
Discovery markers include the following types of collectibles.
- Dumpster Diving
- Photo Hunt
- Drug Pallet Pickup
- Weather Station
- Hidden History
- Fast Travel Photo
- Lost Wheel
- Shooting Gallery
- Rooftop Access
For finding all the collectibles in each region, you’ll unlock the “All Mine” achievement / trophy.
Mercado | Discovery Map
There are 13 Discoveries in Mercado.

West Providencia
There are 16 Discoveries in West Providencia.

East Providencia
There are 6 Discoveries in East Providencia.

Smelterville West
There are 7 Discoveries in Smelterville West.

Smelterville East
There are 12 Discoveries in Smelterville East.

Oldtown West
There are 8 Discoveries in Old Town West.

Oldtown East
There are 10 Discoveries in Oldtown East.

Rojas Desert North
There are 32 Discoveries in Rojas Desert North.

Rojas Desert South
There are 20 Discoveries in Rojas Desert South.

Marina West
There are 13 Discoveries in Marina West.

Marina East
There are 6 Discoveries in Marina East.

Monte Vista
There are 11 Discoveries in Monte Vista.

Lake Sabastian
There are 2 Discoveries in Lake Sabastian.

El Dorado
There are 16 Discoveries in El Dorado.

West Flats
There are 9 Discoveries in West Flats.

East Flats
There are 6 Discoveries in East Flats.

Lakeshore North
There are 11 Discoveries in Lakeshore North.

Lakeshore South
There are 13 Discoveries in Lakeshore South.

Badlands North
There are 24 Discoveries in Badlands North.

Badlands South
There are 30 Discoveries in Badlands South.