If you’re sick of criminal activity in Saints Row (2022), why not try some of the bonus Shooting Galleries? These minigames give you unlimited time to shoot all 15 targets. This isn’t about accuracy. It’s just about finding all 15 before you lose your mind. Some of these shooting galleries give extremely good rewards — the weapon skins are fun (and funny) enough, including a foam finger and an iconic weapon from one of the Marvel Cinematic Universe films. You can also get the futuristic Marshall PMC handgun. Not bad for an old gunslinger.
Check below for a preview of each reward and where to find the corresponding shooting gallery on the map.
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All Shooting Gallery Locations | Bonus Weapons, Skins & Emotes
Shooting Galleries are special activity locations that give you special rewards for completing. Here are all the shooting galleries we’ve found so far and their rewards.
To complete a shooting gallery, you must shoot all 15 targets — targets come in three forms. Targets can be a bandit, a wolf or a flying bird. To find all the targets in area, search the yellow circle thoroughly and check every alcove and corner. Look up at rooftops or anything above and look in tiny alcoves. I also recommend running through the area in reverse. Always turn around. The developers love hiding targets in the one spot you won’t normally look.
Shooting Galleries are not timed, and don’t require aiming skills. The goal is JUST to shoot the 15 targets. Really, these are more like Easter egg hunts. Finding the targets can be tricky, but the rewards are worth it.

- Twin Coyote Shooting Gallery: Rojas Desert North – Located right at the Twin Coyote Arcade clothing store marker.
- Reward: Star God Blaster Weapon Skin

- Junkyard Shooting Gallery: Badlands South – In an old junkyard in the northeast of the region.
- Reward: Mosey Along Emote

- Old West Shooting Gallery: Badlands North – A ghost town in the far northwest regions of the Badlands.
- Reward: 1848 Cavalry Revolver Weapon Skin

- Bored Clerks Shooting Gallery: Rojas Desert North – Behind a lonely gas station on a major road near the Old Town East border.
- Reward: MDI-36 Tac Pistol

- Airline Grave Shooting Gallery: Badlands South – Located right nearby the Starmadillo store. Check out the crashed airplane to find targets.
- Reward: Foam Finger Gun Weapon Skin

- Abduction Site Shooting Gallery: Rojas Desert South – Located next to the dam in the far south of the map.
- Reward: Saints Lawgiver Weapon Skin
For shooting straight, you’ll earn all of these rewards. My personal favorite is the Foam Finger Gun. You absolutely have to go for that one.