Saints Row (2022) throws you into the action fast. After two introduction missions, you’re allowed to explore the full game world and complete whatever gigs you want. If you’re like us, you’ll explore the world without pushing forward the story — for hours and hours. We’ve barely made progress, but we’ve found some tiny, interesting details we wanted to share. These aren’t Easter egg — even if we’ve found some weird ones, including a 2001: A Space Odyssey Monolith — but they are fun ways to interact with the world. You can swap radio stations faster, switch guns, or fly high off the roof of your favorite vehicle. There’s a lot of strange stuff you can do that you won’t find anywhere else in video games. That’s the Saints Row touch.
More Saints Row (2022) guides:
5 Hilariously Weird Unlockables To Get First | All Easter Eggs Guide | How To Make Money Early | All Secret Vehicles & Lost Wheel Collectible Locations | Best Car & Helicopter Locations | Gold Garbage Truck Location | Gargantua Monster Truck Location | How To Get A Tank | All Hidden History Locations | Game-Breaking Bug Fix | All Shooting Gallery Locations | All Fast Travel Landmark Locations | How To Complete Car Challenges | Secret Ending Guide
All Collectibles | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
All Discovery Locations | 100% Completion Map
10 Weird Things You Can Do In Saints Row
Saints Row (2022) doesn’t explain everything. As we explored the city of San Ileso, we discovered a few tiny tidbits — interactions and buttons that aren’t clearly labeled, that we only discovered after 15-20~ hours of play. Call us fools, but we’re guessing even a Saints Row veteran won’t know all 10 of these useful little interactions.
- Barrel Roll: Hold [A / Cross] while mid-air jumping in a vehicle to perform a barrel roll. Tricky! And required to complete certain special jumps.
- Switch Guns While Driving: Tap [D-Pad: Up] while driving.
- Switch Seats: Tap [D-Pad: Down]
- Or unlock Ejector Seats. Many vehicles can unlock this perk, which makes swapping to wingsuit even easier.
- Radio Station Wheel: Hold [D-Pad: Left / Right] to open a radio station wheel while driving.
- Quick-Swap Weapon: Tap [L1 / LB] to rapidly switch between your two most recently used weapons.
- Wingsuit Off Car Roofs: Hold [Y / Triangle] while driving to climb onto your vehicle roof. Press [A / Cross] to unfurl your wingsuit and start flying immediately.
- Stand On Your Bike: While driving a motorcycle, hold [Back] to climb into the seat. This allows you to perform a huge trick jump.
- Riding Fire Hydrants: Smash into fire hydrants to generate a fountain of water.
- Dumpster Diving For Unique Customization: Dumpster diving is for more than just money. Diving into dumpsters will sometimes randomly give you a unique clothing item — like tissue box shoes and a pizza box hat.
- Search carefully. There are four secret golden dumpsters you can find.
- Civilians Will React To Emotes: Do a nice emote like the greetings wave, and civilians will wave back! Now that’s what I call citizenship.
That’s just 10 weird interactions we’ve found so far. We’ll add more as they’re discovered!