One of the longest favors in God of War Ragnarok seems incredibly simple — Kratos has to find nine flowers. How hard could it be? This quest unlocks after finding any of the nine flowers, which can be collected in any order. The trick is finding them at all. Every one of these flowers is extremely well hidden, and even accessing some of the realms required is a puzzle. If you’re lost and want to finish searching for these needles in a haystack, then check out the complete guide below for exact locations. There’s one flower for every realm and no way to actually return to all of them. Try to wrap your head around that.
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Nine Realms In Bloom | Favor Guide
The Nine Realms In Bloom favor unlocks after finding any of the nine unique flower collectibles. One flower collectible is found on each realm, and you won’t be able to find them all until the post-game. Flowers have no special purpose and can’t be used in crafting. Finding them all unlocks the “Florist” trophy.
Flower #1: Forbidden Sands | Alfheim – Located on the west wall of the Forbidden Sands, to the right of a rock Kratos can lift into a Nornir Chest area. Find it past the ruins wall you can zip up onto.
Flower #2: Nidavellir | Svartalfheim – Down the road from the tavern in the inner city, you can throw a spear to cross a gap. There’s a treasure chest and a flower for Freya to collect.
Flower #3: The Crucible | Muspelheim – Located at the entrance to The Crucible in Muspelheim, to the right of the blacksmith. Get both Muspelheim Seed Pieces to unlock this area.
Flower #4: The Sinkholes | Vanaheim – After flooding the Crater by opening the dam floodgates, use the boat to reach the Celestial Altar grounds. Land, then check the stone walkway to the right of the altar.
Flower #5: Angboda’s Treehouse | Jotunheim – Found in the side-path of Angboda’s Treehouse. From the Mystic Gateway, go right to find the only collectible in this realm. Only available in the post-game.
Flower #6: Hel’s Perch | Helheim – Using the Hel’s Perch Mystic Gateway, go left and use the spear to cross the gaps. It leads to the flower for this realm. Only available in the post-game.
Flower #7: Mist Fields | Niflheheim – Flower: Right in front of the new post-game Mystic Gateway. You can’t miss it. Only available in the post-game.
Flower #8: Sanctuary Grove | Midgard – Found to the left of the giant turtle, growing from the snow. This is the only collectible in the area. This is the small house where Freya used to live inside a giant turtle. Find it in the snow outside.
Flower #9: The Raven Tree | Nifleheim – At the bottom floor of the Aesir Prison Wreckage, open an empty corner cell to locate this final flower. The prison wreckage is located on a side-path that is only available in the post-game. Reach the bottom floor of the prison and check the doors you can open to locate this flower.
There is no special reward for finding all nine flowers. You’ll earn “The Florist” trophy and clear the quest. This is required for 100% completion — and for your own curiosity — but you won’t get any special rewards.