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With the release of every game in the franchise, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2‘s weapon grind is in full swing as players race to reach max level with their guns of choice to gain new attachments and work towards the title’s multiple Mastery Camos. Just like with any kind of grind, players will want to know ways to optimize it to their way through it. Luckily, there are several ways to increase the rate at which you gain weapon XP. This guide will explain easy ways to get more weapon XP and speed up the weapon leveling grind in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.
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How to Gain Weapon XP Quickly In Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
We will take a look at 5 tips and tricks to speed up your weapon XP grind, but first, let’s take a look at an exploit that has taken the Call of Duty community by storm.
Let’s Discuss the Suppression Mine Exploit
During the game’s launch week, players discovered an exploit in Modern Warfare 2‘s large-scale battle modes Ground War and Invasion that involves the Field Upgrade known as the Surppession Mine. Players were able to get on top of enemy tanks and through the Mine on top of it, causing it to constantly suppress the driver and any crew members, resulting in players racking up insane amounts of XP. Since the Mine itself can’t be leveled up, all the XP gained from the Suppression would go into the weapon the player was holding at the time. The effectiveness of this exploit made it the most optimal method of quickly gaining weapon XP, especially for some of the game’s weaker weapons.
While it was effective, it was also an exploit and Infinity Ward has patched it out. I thought it was still important to mention, but we will be looking at sever other methods that will make that weapon grind just a little bit easier.
Tip #1: Use XP Tokens
We will start off with the most obvious but also the most limited option when it comes to ways to increase the rate at which you earn Weapon XP. XP Tokens are items you can use to increase how much XP you get for a set period of time. You can get Double Weapon XP Tokens from playing the campaign and completing Mission 4 “Tradecraft,” Mission 8 “Hardpoint,” Mission 12 “Dark Water,” and Mission 16 “Ghost Team.” Use these wisely as once you spend them you will only have a limited time to maximize the levels that you gain for your guns.
Tip #2: Pick Objective Game Modes
Objective modes like Domination, Hardpoint, Headquarters, and Kill Confirmed give you many opportunities to get more XP. Domination will allow you to take the flags as well as get extra points for getting points while near these points while Headquarters and Hardpoint will give you the chance to get a lot of points towards your Streak by capturing their objectives. Kill Confirmed lets you use your weapon to kill enemies but can also get extra XP but collecting dog tags. In Modern Warfare 2, XP you get from completing objectives will go towards the weapon that you are currently holding, so playing those objectives won’t only give you a lot of players to constantly engage with but extra ways to gain XP for the guns you’re using against them.

Tip #3: Farm the Bots Found in Invasion And Use Vehicles and Tanks
Back to the two large-scale modes mentioned before, we are going to take a look at Invasion, a mode that introduces AI to a huge 32v32 game that will also include vehicles such as Tactical Vehicles and Tanks. The AI in the Invasion mode is a great source of XP as they seem to give close to if not exactly the same amount of XP for weapons as real players, and since the AI isn’t exactly the most competent in a gunfight, they can be a great source of XP for minimal effort. The same can be said about the Vehicles and Tanks that are found in both Invasion and Ground War. Since these vehicles can’t level up, the XP gained from using them will go into the weapon you are holding, just like it would with the old Suppression Mine exploit. Getting into these vehicles and using their superior strength can be a great way to quickly get through the weapon ranks.
If you are going to use these large game modes to grind your weapons, however, I do suggest that you also bring in a Tactical Insertion Field Upgrade as dying in the mode can lead to long runs back into the battle. The Tac-Insert will get you back into the battle much quicker.
Tip #4: Spam Decoy Grenades
Just as I said with the Suppression Mine, tactical vehicles, and tanks, the weapon you are holding in your hand will get XP from points gained from items and equipment that can’t be leveled up. This is why I suggest using a Decoy Grenade in order to get some passive XP growth. When an enemy is close to a Decoy Grenade, you will be rewarded with points since it has “distracted” them, so throwing a Decoy in a high-traffic area will result in your weapon being rewarded a decent amount of XP for very minimal effort. All that is required is you being willing to sacrifice a possibly better tactical grenade and knowing some of the maps’ biggest choke points.
Tip #5: Complete Your Daily Challenges
The final tip that I suggest is to keep track of your Daily Challenges and complete as many as you can each day. Every day a new set of three challenges will refresh that will give you 2500 XP for completing each one. When all three are completed, you will gain access to a Bonus Challenge that will provide you with an extra 10,000 XP upon completion, netting you a total of 17,500 XP per day.

With these tips, you should be able to tear through the levels of your weapons! Stay tuned to Gameranx for future guides on Modern Warfare 2 as well as Warzone 2.0.
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