Table of Contents[Hide][Show]
- Puzzle #1: Case 1.1 – Unlocking The Hidden Door
- Puzzle #2: Case 1.2 – Finding The Biodecryption Key
- Puzzle #3: Case 2.1 – Find All Three Bugs
- Puzzle #4: Case 2.2 – Follow The Blood Trail Underground
- Puzzle #5: Case 3.1 – Unravel The Court’s Orders
- Puzzle #6: Case 3.1 – Extract A Viable Sample
- Puzzle #7: Case 4.2 – Solving The Gotham Architecture Puzzle
- Puzzle #8: Case 5.1 – Escape The Room
- Puzzle #9: Case 6.2 – Solve The Wall Puzzle
- Puzzle #10: Case 7.1 – Chemical Experiment Puzzle
- Puzzle #11: Case 7.1 – Oscillators In The Tower Puzzle

Without the World’s Greatest Detective, there’s no one to help you with the unsolved puzzles in the criminal world of Gotham Knights. As you investigate cases, you’ll have to solve puzzles to progress through the story — sometimes you’ll interact with the environment, but more often you’ll be interacting directly with clues. By reading the text and using AR vision, you can learn more about each object on the clue board.
Most puzzles work like this — you’re dropped into a room with an array of objects. You need to cursor over the items, checking each object, then selecting them. To solve the puzzle and further the investigation, you’ll have to select two objects in the environment, then press the [Solve] button to establish a connection. You’ll need to connect clues with keypads to unlock doors for example. There are more types of puzzles, but we’re focusing on just the required campaign puzzles.
You’ll also encounter randomly-generated puzzles. These are extremely easy to solve. If you find a murder scene and investigate, cursor over all the objects in the area, then select the object with a location name in the text description. Only one object at each crime scene will have the name of a district.
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All Batarang Collectible Locations | All Landmark Collectible Locations | All Street Art Collectible Locations | All Historia Strigidae Collectible Locations | How To Unlock Clayface’s Side-Quest | How To Swap Heroes | Character Guide | Momentum Explained | Knighthood Explained | How To Turn Off Multiplayer | How To Unlock Fast Travel | How To Beat Case 1.4 Mr. Freeze | Bonus Ending | Faster Leveling | Powering Up With Modchips
Puzzle #1: Case 1.1 – Unlocking The Hidden Door
Scan the room with AR to find a hidden room on the right. Next, we need to link the two correct pieces of evidence together to input the code and open the hidden room.
- Solution: Select the Sticky Note + Microwave and Solve.
Puzzle #2: Case 1.2 – Finding The Biodecryption Key
In the police morgue, you’ll investigate the body of Dr. Langstrom. You need to discover the secret of the biodecryption key.
- Solution: Select the Blood Glucometer + Blood Vial and Solve.
Puzzle #3: Case 2.1 – Find All Three Bugs
For this puzzle, we need to locate three hidden bugs in Penguin’s office before we can talk to him. Here’s where to find each of them.
- Bug #1: AR scan the lamp on Penguin’s desk.
- Bug #2: AR scan the bust of Penguin to the right of his office door. Scan the base of the bust.
- Bug #3: AR scan the planter behind his desk.
After revealing the bug with an AR scan, interact to destroy the bugs.
Puzzle #4: Case 2.2 – Follow The Blood Trail Underground
While investigating the Powers Club, you’ll find a hidden passage leading underground. At the bottom of the stairs, you’ll find another puzzle chamber — to progress you’ll need to solve the riddle.
- Solution: Scan the lamp in front of the owl statues, then use it to activate. Now we can use the buttons on the base of the statue. Turn the statue pieces in these directions.
- Talons: Face the talon right.
- Body: Face the body right.
- Large Wing: Face the large wing left.
- Small Wing: Face the small wing forward.
To make this puzzle easier, use AR vision. If the statue piece is correctly aligned, a bright glowing line will cross through the gear underneath.
Puzzle #5: Case 3.1 – Unravel The Court’s Orders
In the hidden Gotham Gazette Court of Owls chamber, you’ll find a letterbox. Scan it and the document — then check the map board to the left. Here, you’ll need to figure out what the document is requested. Use AR scan again to read the old English messages.
- Solution: Connect the Ofasiede Card (Purge) + Brass Peg (Gotham River) then Solve.
The Court of Owls are ordering a “purge” at Gotham River.
Puzzle #6: Case 3.1 – Extract A Viable Sample
Deep in the mines, you’ll find a drilling site. Later, you’ll find a lab with various sample ore and four chemical containers to the left. To solve this puzzle, you must link an ore sample with one of the chemicals.
- Solution: Connect the Sulfuric Acid + Composite Ore [10588-COS] then Solve.
Puzzle #7: Case 4.2 – Solving The Gotham Architecture Puzzle
Inside the hidden Court of Owls lair in the hotel, you’ll find four models of buildings. You need to hit the floor plaques in the order these buildings were constructed. By standing on the plaques, you’ll learn the name of each building.
- Solution: Step on the floor plaques in this order.
- 1: City Hall
- 2: GCPD Headquarters
- 3: Courthouse
- 4: Grand Cathedral
Puzzle #8: Case 5.1 – Escape The Room
After leaving the Court of Owls labyrinth, you’ll enter a room with a giant brass orb. You’ll need to hit the symbols in a specific order before the timer runs out.
- Solution: You need to touch the four symbols in the large orb chamber in this order.
- #1: Dagger – On the gargoyle on the back of the room.
- #2: Talon Mask – On the ground to the left — from the first symbol.
- #3: Owl Foot – On the opposite side of the room, on the ground.
- #4: Moth – On the other gargoyle, above the entrance.
Puzzle #9: Case 6.2 – Solve The Wall Puzzle
In Kane’s office, you’ll find a special wall you can interact with. There are white panels — flip the panels to change the symbol. To solve the puzzle, you must align all the white symbols correctly.
- Solution: To solve the puzzle, you must change the symbols so that the same symbol never appears twice in a row, column, or box of four.
- Check the screenshot below for the exact solution.

Puzzle #10: Case 7.1 – Chemical Experiment Puzzle
After entering Arkham Asylum, you’ll find a strange laboratory. You need to select two objects in the lab to figure out what Talia is trying to accomplish.
- Solution: Select Serum V24.07 + Genetic Marker Group M and Solve.
Puzzle #11: Case 7.1 – Oscillators In The Tower Puzzle
Turning on the power to Arkham Asylum, the lights will lead you to a tower that’s packed with oscillators. There are four devices, and each one is connected to a wire. Follow the color of the wire and match the symbols to solve the puzzle.
- Solution: Match the wires connecting the oscillator to frequencies. Look at the main screen — there are four frequencies you can set each oscillator to. Selecting the frequency doesn’t matter. All that matters is the order.
- Flip through the frequencies until the screen turns green. You need to flip the oscillators in the same order they appear on the main screen.
- The order may be random. For us, the order was: Blue, Purple, Orange, Green
And that’s it! We’ll update this guide with more pictures and details as they’re discovered.