PlayStation 5 Owners Are Starting To Complain Over Loud Noises
Are some units louder than others?
Are some units louder than others?
Ubisoft is aware of the missing achievements.
Custom faceplates may become a reality.
A new bug is proving to be troublesome for PS5 owners.
A look into Johnny Silverhand.
Enjoy the PlayStation Plus Collection through PS4.
Scare next-gen consoles are big sellers online.
Sony listing may have unveiled Death Loop’s release date.
The most anticipated open world video games of 2020.
The developer refuses to overwork their employees.
Get some insight into the game as you progress through the campaign.
Phil Spencer alerts followers online over the recent milestone.
Every gun should have a different feel.
Get ready to scavenge for loot with your friends.
Are you having any Xbox Series X issues?
Xbox is building up that first-party studio lineup.
It’s their goal to make necessary improvements.
Check out some of the most anticipated multiplayer games releasing in 2020 so far.
Some units may have been a bit rushed.
Get ready to enjoy these games all over again.