Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom – Hebra Sky Shrines and Solutions
In The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom you can't just look forward for secrets and Shrines, you must also look up into the sky.
In The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom you can't just look forward for secrets and Shrines, you must also look up into the sky.
Beat the desert heat with the cooling clothes at this secret shop.
Harvest an infinite supply of apples with this incredible location.
Find caves easily with a handful of apples.
Resetting your essence for a small price.
Cutting three-headed dragons down to size.
Protect your horses in this life or the next with the Horse God.
Brave Hyrule Castle for yet another powerful reward.
Curing villages for huge savings one some of our favorite armor sets.
Stock up on your most valuable resources.
Stock up on rupees with these money-making schemes.
Upgrade your armor with these Great Fairy locations.
Catch some air with this wingsuit.
Climbing high into the sky.
Light the fire for a secret shield.
Keeping warm on the Great Sky Island.
Nintendo seems to have gone the extra mile as this is no plastic tchotchke.