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Want to make your best Pokemon even better? Pokemon Scarlet & Violet change the gameplay formula complete, but you’ll still find classic series NPCs that provide those old functions we crave — NPCs like the Hyper Trainer are back. The Hyper Trainer will increase your Pokemon’s IVs, or their base stats, in exchange for extremely rare Bottle Caps. Bottle Caps are mostly earned through high level Tera Raids, but there are more methods for finding them. You can purchase Bottle Caps from certain stores, you can find them in the world, or you can earn them through post-game events.
Below we’ll cover where to get Hyper Training done and how to start collecting Bottle Caps. They’re very, very rare — don’t use them unless you’re absolutely sure you want to improve your particular Pokemon!
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How Hyper Training Works

To make your favorite Pokemon even better, you can use Hyper Training. A special NPC will raise your Pokemon’s IVs (their base stats) in exchange for Bottle Caps. These extremely rare items can be earned by completing Tera Raids or found in the environment. Before getting into Bottle Cap Locations, here’s how to find the Hyper Trainer.
- Hyper Trainer NPC: Travel to Montenevera, the snowy village, and find a man standing beside an Abomasnow outside the gym. This NPC will provide Hyper Training (raise your IVs) in exchange for Bottle Caps.
- Pokemon must be Level 50 or higher for Hyper Training.
There are two types of Bottle Caps. Gold Bottle Caps are even better and raise multiple IVs when traded for Hyper Training. Getting Bottle Caps can be a challenge, so here’s where you can find them.
Where To Find Bottle Caps
Bottle Caps can be earned by completing 5-Star or 6-Star Tera Raids. Rarely, Event Pokemon earned through the Mystery Gift system will be carrying a Bottle Cap.
You can also find Bottle Caps in the environment. Here’s where to look.
- Bottle Cap: Mesagoza – Sold by the Delibird Presents for 20,000.
- Bottle Cap: Cascarrafa – Sold by the Delibird Presents for 20,000.
- Bottle Cap: Levincia – Sold by the Delibird Presents for 20,000.
- Bottle Cap: May spawn down an alleyway east of the main plaza.
- Bottle Cap: Complete the Academy Ace Tournament (Post-Game Event) to earn a Bottle Cap.
- Gold Bottle Cap: Complete the Academy Ace Tournament (Post-Game Event) to earn a Bottle Cap.
- Bottle Cap / Gold Bottle Cap: May be sold at the random Daily Auction at the Marketplace. The marketplace items reset after an in-game day has passed.
- Bottle Cap: May spawn in a grassy spot in the south of North Province Area Two.
- Bottle Cap: Found on a far southwest island in the Paldea Sea.
And that should be all the Gold Bottle Caps and regular Bottle Caps. Gold Bottle Caps can also (rarely) be earned by Event Pokemon. Sometimes Event Pokemon will be carrying a Gold Bottle Cap — that’s true of previous games in the series, so make sure to check your Pokemon’s hold item after collecting your event reward.