Silent Hill Composer Teases Next Big Project [UPDATE]
Something that people may have been hoping for.
Something that people may have been hoping for.
Steam to lose out on more games in the future.
Looks like there’s nothing slated to come out for this latest psychological horror game.
Developers wish to spend more time crafting up this remake.
Looks like it's business as usual over at Capcom.
Limited time and resources.
Looks like the Overwatch successor won’t find a launch this year.
Don’t count on Diablo making an appearance before 2022.
Was anyone surprised?
Mark your calendars.
Check out the comparison footage right here.
Developers are already hard at work with their next game.
Get ready to dive back into another adventure.
Looks like the PlayStation 5 is not strictly making Sony money.
Score some great games on the cheap.
Redacted notes filled in.
Activision is cracking down.
Can your system run it?
Looks like this game won’t feature everything from the single-player experience.
Don’t count EA out on the Star Wars IP.
Some big things are coming out of this studio.
The popular battle royale game finally makes its debut on the Nintendo Switch platform.