Call of Duty: Warzone 2: Best HCR 56 Class
An underrated LMG.
Activision seems to have a full slate planned for Call of Duty for 2023.
Co-op from the same console.
Are you looking for some new free games to enjoy this year? There are always a few titles that launch into the marketplace that won’t cost you a cent. In this list, we’re highlighting a few games that we think are worth checking out when they launch throughout this year. However, don’t think of this …
2022 is shaping up to be a fantastic year for the video game industry. We have a ton of new exciting video games releasing. But, of course, it’s also a solid year for the PlayStation 4 platform. Despite the PlayStation 5 being available, the PS4 console still sees support throughout 2022. If you have the …
A great batch of new games incoming!
A collection of stellar titles from the last year to add to your library!
This event may be one of many of Hoyoverse's plans to make interesting and varied content to engage end game Genshin Impact players.
Well at least Guerrilla isn't too busy then!
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has a huge list of weapons that you can take into battle and also has a deep weapon customization system that can see players creating some pretty unique loadouts. While players can spend hours creating the weapon that fits them, many are going to want to know what makes a …
As you make your way through Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion, there are certain missions that can be missed by not talking to NPCs.
Toward the end of your journey through Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion you'll find yourself in Nibelheim. These are its seven wonders.
One of the easiest summons to miss for you DMW in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion is the Magic Pot. Here's where you can find it.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has a huge list of weapons that you can take into battle and also has a deep weapon customization system that can see players creating some pretty unique loadouts. While players can spend hours creating the weapon that fits them, many are going to want to know what makes a …
There are a lot of things that the player can easily miss in Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion and these two summons are among them.
Work together to take or keep Control.