One thing that stands out in Amnesia: The Bunker is its collectibles. These hidden items aren’t just used for a checklist but also provide useful information to help you learn the game’s story and survive the horrors lurking in the halls. One of these types of collectibles are Dog Tags. These tags belong to the fallen soldiers found throughout the bunker. Certain Tags even provide codes to open lockers with useful items. Getting all of these Dog Tags could be very beneficial as you can expand your arsenal of weapons to fight against The Beast. Using the codes from the Dog Tags to open all the lockers will also unlock the Codebreaker Achievement and Trophy. This guide will show players where to find all of the Dog Tags in Amnesia: The Bunker.
More Amnesia: The Bunker Guides:
Amnesia: The Bunker – Full Achievement and Trophy List | Amnesia: The Bunker – How to Save Your Game | Amnesia: The Bunker – Map System Explained | Amnesia: The Bunker – Cut It Off Achievement Guide | Amnesia: The Bunker – Where to Find All Map Parts | Cartographer Achievement Guide | Amnesia: The Bunker – Generator System Explained | Amnesia: The Bunker – How to Lift the Emergency Lockdown | Gave the All Clear Achievement Guide | Amnesia: The Bunker – How to Get the Wrench | Amnesia: The Bunker – How to Get the Cutters | Toolist Achievement Guide
All Dog Tag Locations In Amnesia: The Bunker
There are a total of 20 Dog Tags in Amnesia: The Bunker. These 20 Tags will spawn in the same place every game, though the name on many of them will change between playthroughs. The codes written on tags belonging to the names on the lockers found in Mission Storage will also change. 5 Dog Tags will always have the same name written on them because they are story-significant Dog Tags, but the code written on them will still be random. Below is a map and a full breakdown of all of the Dog Tag locations.

Dog Tag #1
After awakening in the bunker, go through the Infirmary and find the wounded soldier. Get his pistol and shoot the lock off of the metal door. Travel down the stairs and go into the Administration Room. This will serve as the Save Room for the rest of the game. Sitting on the desk in the center of the room is the first Dog Tag in the game.

Dog Tag #2 – Q. Friloux
While in the Administration Room, go down the stairs that lead to the Generator Room. Next to the Generator is the dead body of Friloux. This is the first Dog Tag that is consistent across all playthroughs. Use the code on the back of the Dog Tag to unlock the door to the Central Bunker main hallway.

Dog Tag #3
Now that you are in the main bunker hallway, go to the Mission Storage room. You can get in here by moving the unscrewed vent that is to the right of the first door that leads into the room. Climb through the air duct and go to the end of the room with the lockers. In the left corner of the lockers is a dead body with this Dog Tag.

Dog Tag #4 – J. Delisle
Head over to the Officer Quarters and make your way to the Lounge. This is the third door on the left when entering from the Central Bunker hallway. Enter the Lounge and go through the vent found at the back right of the room. This is an already unlocked vent covered by some barrels. Move everything that is blocking this path and go through the opening. Pry the wooden boards off the opening to gain access to Delisle’s room. Once in the room, you can find this Dog Tag on the dead body leaning against the wall. This is another Dog Tag that will always have the same name and is used to get the valve needed to lift the Emergency Lockdown in the Central Bunker.

Dog Tag #5
Head out of Delisle’s room and go down the stairs towards Maintenace. At the bottom of the stairs is a body with this Dog Tag next to it. If rats have swarmed the body you will need to clear them out. Use a torch, lure the rats away with Meat, light make a fire with poured fuel or a petrol bomb, or use any other kind of weaponry to get them out of the way.

Dog Tag #6
After lifting the Emergency Lockdown, go to the Maintenance area. Travel down the main hall until you find this body near the first right turn. A rat will trigger a tripwire that ignites the body, but you should be able to get the Dog Tag while the flame is still lit.

Dog Tag #7
Continue down the hall and go up the stairs on the left that leads to the Foreman’s Quarters. There is a desk in this room that has this Dog Tag on it.

Dog Tag #8
Return to the main Maintenance hall and progress all the way to the end of it. While debris will block the path to Storage Hub, go down the stairs to the right to find a group of rats eating a body. While you will need to clear out these rats, the Dog Tag itself isn’t on the body. Open the cabinet behind the body to find this Dog Tag on the bottom shelf.

Dog Tag #9
To get past the debris that has blocked the path to Storage Hub, you will need to first go to the Workshop. There is a large tunnel that connects Workshop to the other side of Maintenance. Right at the entrance of the tunnel has a Dog Tag on it. To get the Tag, clear off the rats on the corpse.

Dog Tag #10
There is another body in the tunnel that you also need to scare rats off of to get this Tag.

Dog Tag #11
Near the exit of the tunnel is a third body with rats feasting on it. Get the rats away from the body to get this Dog Tag.

Dog Tag #12
Now that you are in the Storage Hub, you can go to the Chapel, which has been turned into The Beast’s den. On the altar of the Chapel is another Dog Tag.

Dog Tag #13 – F. Stafford
You can get the Pillbox Key from the Confessional in the Chapel. Unlock the Pillbox door and go up the ladder to find the body of Foreman Stafford. This Dog Tag always be Stafford as it will provide the code that will get you the Wrench, an important item needed to progress the game.

Dog Tag #14
Once you get the Wrench from Mission Storage, head back to Maintenance and take the first right to find a vent in the wall. Unscrew the vent into the Break Room. Clear the body of the rats and get the Dog Tag next to the body.

Dog Tag #15
Go to Soldier Quarters and go to the end of the hallway to the Communications room and take a right. Go into Barracks A to find a body at the end of the room. Clear out the rats to get this Dog Tag.

Dog Tag #16 – H. Clement
Head over to Barracks B and go to the last bed in the right row. This is where you will find the Dog Tag of Henri Clement, your playable character. This is another Tag that will always be Clement’s and will give you the code to open his lock in Mission Storage.

Dog Tag #17
Go through the door to the right of Clement’s bed and follow the hall until you find the body surrounded by rats. Scare them off to get this Dog Tag.

Dog Tag #18
Found in the Arsenal, this Dog Tag can be found near the door that requires the Arsenal Code to unlock.

Dog Tag #19
You can get into Storage Area A by getting the Arsenal Code for the Communications Room in Soldier Quarters. You can check out Gameranx’s guide on how to get the Arsenal Code here. Once inside, go towards the opposite wall of the room. You will find a group of rats eating a corpse along the way. Clear the rats to get this Dog Tag.

Dog Tag #20 – A. Lambert
The final Dog Tag is actually located outside of the bunker in the crater that Lambert falls into during the game’s intro. To get there, you will need to get the Cutters and make your way through the Roman Ruins. Check out Gameranx’s full guide on how to get the Cutters linked here.
Once the Cutters are acquired, head to the Arsenal and crawl under the rubble blocking the area with the “To Tunnels” sign next to it. Once on the other side of the rubble, cut the chain locking the door leading to the Storage Area. You will need to drain the water in this area. Power the machinery directly to the left of the door. Then, swim to the end of the room and pull the lever on the left wall. With the water now drained, you can progress deeper into the tunnels.

Follow the path until you find some tables and tents set up by the exploration team. To the right of this setup is a hole in the wall that will take you into the Roman Ruins.

Follow the path through the tunnels until a dropdown is found. Once in this lower area, players will need to find a room at the far end of the area that is locked while attempting to either avoid or kill Toussaint, a soldier who had lost his mind and is now patrolling the area with a shotgun. At the end of the hallway to the right of the original area that the player lands in from the dropdown and in the center room of this lower area are two wooden doors that lead to the previously mentioned room. The door cannot be unlocked with a key so they will need to be destroyed with either a heavy brick or some sort of explosion.
Once in the room, look to the left of the Detonator Handle found in the center of the room to find some rubble blocking a hole in the wall. After moving the debris, crawl through the opening. At the end of the crawlspace is the crater from the beginning of the game. You can find the Dog Tag on the shore of the water next to the Rabbit Toy. Again, this is a Tag that will always spawn here and gives you access to his locker in Mission Storage.

This is all of the Dog Tag locations in Amnesia: The Bunker. When you find all of the Dog Tags with codes written on them, you can go back to Mission Storage to unlock the lockers. When all of the lockers are open, you will unlock the Codebreaker Achievement and Trophy!
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