Finding all the collectibles on the many sprawling maps of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is a huge challenge initially. Some planets are absolutely massive and require dozens of hours of gameplay time to unlock all the upgrades required to fully explore. And as you unlock more abilities, you’ll be able to earn permanent map upgrades that show the locations of each type of collectible.
Whether you’re searching for essence upgrades, treasures, chests, or databank entries, you’ll be able to enhance your map with markers showing all the locations on every planet. These are the rarest, hardest to find upgrades in the game. And here’s a quick breakdown explaining where to find each map terminal.
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Map Upgrade Terminals | All Collectible Locations
Map upgrade terminals are rare, powerful enhancements that add all types of a specific collectible onto all maps. The chest upgrade reveals all chest locations on all planets. The databank upgrade reveals all databank entries, and the treasures upgrade reveals all treasures you’ve missed on the map. There’s one terminal for each major collectible type.
- Databank Entries Map Upgrade: II-0810 Satellite Station, Nova Garon – After Cal Kestis confronts the Commander of the Imperial installation and steals his uniform, you’ll regain control in his office. Turn around and hack the terminal near the viewing window. This is the easiest upgrade to find.
- Chests Map Upgrade: Phon’qi Caverns, Koboh – Located at the bottom of the Phon’qi Caverns optional dungeon. Requires unlocking Force Lift to enter. Return to the Mountain Ascent then glide to the abandoned structure on the left across the gap. Pull off the exterior cellar hatch and drop down. In the cellar, enter the narrow crawlspace and follow the path until you enter a cave filled with glowing plants and suicidal robots. Pull up the burrowed machinery to reach the main dungeon.
- Phon’qi Caverns is a difficult gauntlet. You’ll need to fight through multiple sub-bosses to reach the end. In the final chamber control room, you’ll find a map upgrade terminal.
- Treasures Map Upgrade: Wayfinder’s Tomb, Jedha – In the center of the massive Arid Flats region, you’ll find a raised mesa called Wayfinder’s Tomb. It is only accessible after unlocking the Super Grapple ability for flying drones.
- To enter the Wayfinder’s Tomb, you need to solve three puzzles. There is one puzzle in each of the directions the altars are facing. You need to complete the Trial of Perseverance, the Trial of Conviction and the Trial of Restoration. Finish all three by pushing the metal orb and activating the altar, then return to the Wayfinder’s Tomb. The platform in the center will lower. Find the full guide explaining how to complete the Wayfinder’s Tomb quest here.
- At the underground shrine, you’ll find an important Force Echo databank entry, a new lightsaber customization option, and the powerful treasures map upgrade.
- Essence Upgrades Map Upgrade: Alignment Control Center, Koboh – To earn the most useful map upgrade, you need to complete all 7 Jedi Chambers in Koboh. One is required for the story and the rest are optional. After completing all chambers, travel to the Alignment Control Center in the center of the Untamed Downs. From Rambler’s Reach Outpost bridge, you’ll see the High Republic bunker entrance built into the rock face straight ahead.
- To find all Jedi Chambers, check out the locations guide here.
- Seeds Map Upgrade: Pyloon’s Saloon, Koboh – Recruit Pili the Gardener on the Timeworn Bridge in Jedha — you’ll pass Pili as you progress through the story. She will appear at the rooftop garden in Pyloon’s Saloon.
- To unlock more gardens, you need to fill each garden with every type of seed you can find. Seeds are found by cutting plants with swirling green glowing bugs. Once a plot of garden is full, another will open up after leaving and returning.
- Fill all the plots on the rooftop garden to unlock the map upgrade on the same rooftop. You’ll be able to see the terminal from the start — its covered in vines but will be free by completing this mini-game.
NOTE: To unlock the seed pod map, you may need to plant ONE of every type of seed in your garden. Each region usually has multiple harvesting points but only one type of seed per area.