Nioh 2 Just Received A New Story Trailer
Take a look at the footage right here.
Hideo Kojima talks about future potential plans.
New official Tetris game has gone live.
No details as to what the game will be about.
According to the leaker, the studio has since returned back to the development of the mainline installment.
Catch up on the entire franchise to prepare for the upcoming VR title.
The movie will supposedly tie events between seasons.
Enjoy the much-beloved series once again.
A new mental horror game is in the works.
Reveal for both games could be sometime this year.
Who’s ready for the next mainline installment?
Sonic will be present each month this year.
Daughter is all smiles playing The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
Maxime Beland reported to become a member of the editorial team.
PC gamers will soon receive Halo: Combat Evolved.
Not enough releases are coming out.
No one likes crunch.
There’s some new structuring going on for Ubisoft’s editorial team.