The titular planet in Journey To The Savage Planet is a pretty big mystery. Even after you’ve reached the end of the game, it isn’t really clear what happened — or what the tower’s true purpose is. You can find some pretty big clues in the Enigmatic Tablet collectibles found throughout the planet. Each one unlocks a portion of a video message you can watch on your Javelin computer, and there’s a big revelation waiting for you.
There are 10 of these collectibles total, and finding them all will complete the ‘Alien Cinema’ side-quest. Finding them all is part of the 100% challenge, and you can make the hunt a little easier with the final Visor upgrade. If you unlock Rank 4 by completing the science quests, you can purchase a Visor upgrade, allowing you to scan for alien artifacts. That includes Enigmatic Tablets and Explorer Logs. It’s a two-in-one upgrade!
More Journey To The Savage Planet guides:
All 100 Orange Goo Locations | All 32 Alien Alloy Locations | All Teleporter Locations | How To Complete The ‘Fixer Upper’ Quest | How To Get Double-Jump & Grappling Hook Upgrades | How To Get The Bombegranate Stabilizer | Cragdaw Boss Guide | How To Get The Blight Bomb Stabilizer | Floopsnoot Queen Boss Guide | How To Reach Rank 2 Field Explorer | How To Reach Rank 3: Explorer | How To Get The Launch Thruster & Advanced Proton Tether Upgrades | How To Get The Shock Fruit Stabilizer | How To Unlock The Tower & Beat The Final Boss | Ending Guide

Tablet #1: Zor’s Planetary Flotsam – Once you reach The Itching Fields through the teleporter, you’ll encounter the first alien tablet on a small floating island.
Tablet #2: Fungi of Si’ned VII – From the upgrade shrine with the quest, look up at the large mushrooms to the left. Use the grapple points to reach the top, and follow them left until you spot an alien Launch Thruster marker. Jump up, then down into the cave marked by a falling tomato plant. The tablet is down inside.
Tablet #3: Shangtar’s Frigid Embrace – In the cavern marked by a giant monster skull, go inside and use a Shock Fruit on the alien door. There’s an orange goo and an Alien Tablet inside.
Tablet #4: Festering Chasm – Found in a cavern in the cliffs outside the Virulent Tree of K’Klenaii. You’ll need Grapple Seeds to get through the poison water.
Tablet #5: Plork’s Sizzling Gauntlet – Entering the Xerophilous Landing from the Enigmatic Tower path, go left and look for the orange goo on the ledge. Directly beneath this goo, there’s a tiny cave marked with a grapple point. Drop down and use a Shock Fruit to enter this secret platforming area.
Tablet #6: Pillars of Xzorgana – From the Xerophilous Landing desert island, there’s a horizontal pillar with blue barnacles — you’ll need to use a grapple seed to zip up to the Pillars area. Beneath that pillars, there’s a tiny cave entrance blocked by crystals.
Tablet #7: Eternal Tears of T’bo – Go to the pond guarded by Imperial Scarabs and look off the left side ledge. There’s a tiny floating rock near a large rock covered in blue barnacles. Toss a Grapple Seed to get a view of this tricky tablet.
Tablet #8: Moist Vestibule – In the first vault, look to one of the flat walls for a crack near the upper levels. Use Launch Thruster to jump inside and collect this tablet.
Tablet #9: Moist Vestibule – In the second vault, look for one of the ledges on the exterior walls with a dripping orifice above. There’s a crawlspace you can squeeze through that leads to this tablet.
Tablet #10: Moist Vestibule – The final tablet is hidden in a cracked pod in the third vault.