There’s a secret story behind the mysterious final boss of Journey To The Savage Planet. To learn about Teratomo’s origins, you’ll need to discover all 8 Explorer’s Logs — alien artifacts left behind by an explorer from a very different corner of space. There’s an achievement / trophy for finding them all too, just don’t forget to check your ship computer and check all the e-mails in your stash. You’ll need to go through them all to unlock it.
Explorer Logs are kind of like the Enigmatic Tablets — there are only a handful in each area, and they’re very hard to find. They’re usually in the hardest-to-reach spots in each region, and getting them all is a pretty big pain. Weirdly, the easiest place to find them is in the final region. If you just aim and shoot all the cracked pods in the final descent, you’ll get at least two of the collectibles.
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All 100 Orange Goo Locations | All 32 Alien Alloy Locations | All Teleporter Locations | How To Complete The ‘Fixer Upper’ Quest | How To Get Double-Jump & Grappling Hook Upgrades | How To Get The Bombegranate Stabilizer | Cragdaw Boss Guide | How To Get The Blight Bomb Stabilizer | Floopsnoot Queen Boss Guide | How To Reach Rank 2 Field Explorer | How To Reach Rank 3: Explorer | How To Get The Launch Thruster & Advanced Proton Tether Upgrades | How To Get The Shock Fruit Stabilizer | How To Unlock The Tower & Beat The Final Boss | Ending Guide

Log #1: Tranquil Crevasse of Tranquility – Near the entrance from the Verdant Wilds, there’s a cracked wall you can blow open with the Bombegrante Upgrade. You’ll need the Launch Thruster to reach the high secret area. The cave inside requires you to jump in the dark — get the Triple Thruster to make this much easier. At the end, you’ll find a log and an alien alloy.
Log #2: Verdant Wilds of Zyl – On the jumping path that leads to the Crevasse of Tranquility, look for an upper-left crack in the rock wall. You’ll need the Launch Thruster to reach it. Inside, there’s an explorer log and an alien alloy.
Log #3: Plork’s Narrows of Despair – From the Festering Chasm, go to the large interior cavern that connects the Fungi of Si’ned VII. At the bottom level, there’s a cave entrance with an alien door. Use a Shock Fruit to enter this tough platforming challenge — I recommend unlocking the quadruple jump to make this one easier.
Log #4: Domain of the Untamed Beast – Go to the right of the cave with the alloy at the end, and stomp through the cracked floor. Now, just follow the grapple points and Launch Thruster markers to this very secret area.
Log #5: Pillars of Xzorgana – At the bottom of the pillars, look behind the tall spire. There’s a very small floating rock with a grapple point. Triple-jump to reach it, then grapple to the blue barnacles above a small cave containing an amber chunk.
Log #6: Eternal Tears of T’bo – On the grapple path leading from the Pillars of Xzorgana to the Tears of T’bo, there’s a tiny island with a tree to the left. Triple-jump from the main island to reach it.
Log #7: Moist Vestibule – In the first vault, there’s a single cracked pod in the center of the wall covered in mounted pods. Just bust them all and you’ll find this one.
Log #8: Moist Vestibule – Like the previous log, this one is also hidden inside a cracked pod. It’s in the second vault, on the left side of its pod wall.