Teleporters are the best way to keep your materials safe in Journey To The Savage Planet. The more teleporters you unlock, the less time you’ll have to spend in the dangerous savage planet. After getting a valuable Alien Alloy or a pile of ore, if there’s a nearby Teleporter, you can zip back to your ship and deposit the stuff permanently. There are 20 teleporters you can unlock in the game, and some of the final porters are actually pretty tricky to find.
It took me an embarrassingly long amount of time to get the final teleporter — there are two very optional ones in the Elevated Realm, the third region of the game. To spot teleporters from far away, look in the sky and keep an eye out for a red crystal. These glowing red crystals turn green once the marked teleporter has been activated. If you’re exploring a new area and want to find the closest porter, just look to the sky.
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Teleporters are alien structures that allow you to instantly fast-travel back to your ship, or to any of the other teleporters you’ve unlocked on the planetary network. All you have to do is find a teleporter to add it to the network.
Landing Site:
Teleporter #1: Tower Crystals – Follow the left path at the Verdant Wilds of Zyl from the entrance to the Shimmering Caves / Towering Crystals of Madness. That’s where you’ll find the first portal shortcut.
Teleporter #2: Meteor Crater – From the Verdant Wilds of Zyl, you’ll need the Jump Thrusters to access the back area with the Meat Vortex, which leads into the Tranquil Crevasse of Tranquility. Go right and up, and you’ll eventually reach this Teleporter past two more Meat Vortex barriers.
Teleporter #3: Cliffs of Mt. Gzarfyn – At the top of the Towering Crystals of Madness, you’ll find this teleporter before reaching the dangerous Cragdaw boss in the volcano above.
Teleporter #4: The Broken Bridge – Found outside the massive tower doors. This teleporter is right after the Cragdaw boss, and it will send you straight to the next teleporter.
Teleporter #5: Tower’s Entrance – Back in the Landing Site, this teleporter is located behind the main tower door. You’ll need to activate the switch on the main control room in the Elevated Realm to unlock it.
The Itching Fields:
Teleporter #1: Planetary Flotsam – The Broken Bridge teleporter will send you to (and unlock) the Planetary Flotsam teleporter in the Itching Fields.
Teleporter #2: Festering Chasm – The portal is right in the center of the Festering Chasm. Just be prepared when you activate it, you’ll have to fight multiple waves of enemies in this area. Use Bombegranates to make life easier and defeat enemies with weak points.
Teleporter #3: Fungi of Si’ned VII – Reach the Festering Chasm from the right path near the start of the Flotsam zone, then continue up the purple mushroom pads until you reach the Fungi of Si’ned VII. From here, go back-right down the hill from the shrine to find this portal.
Teleporter #4: Festering Overhang – Located at the top of the rails leading up from the Festering Chasm teleporter path. Follow the rails higher and higher with the Advanced Proton Tether to reach the Lair of the Matriarch.
Teleporter #5: Matriarch’s Lair – Found in the underground chamber beneath the Matriarch boss fight. This one leads to the next teleporter on our list.
The Elevated Realm:
Teleporter #1: The Enigmatic Spire – Using the Matriarch’s Lair teleporter will take you straight to this porter.
Teleporter #2: Xerophilous Landing – When you reach the Elevated Realm, follow the right path from the Enigmatic Tower to wild area filled with strange creatures. That’s where you’ll find this first teleporter.
Teleporter #3: Repaired Teleporter – From the Xerophilous Landing, travel to the desert-like area down the hill and swing under the huge floating island to another large desert with a dangerous new type of Pikemander. The teleporter is in the cave.
Teleporter #4: Pillars of Xzorgana – This teleporter as at the top of the extremely tall vertical pillars section, located near the previous teleporter. You’ll need 5+ Grapple Seeds to climb the pillars are reach the top.
Teleporter #5: Tears of T’bo – From the Pillars of Xzorgana, take the magnetic rails upward to the giant island with red plants. At the top of the waterfall cave, you’ll find this porter.
Teleporter #6: Slamphibian Pit – Found in the back of the Tears of T’bo area — it’s in the deep pit where you’ll encounter a pair of dangerous Slamphibians while acquiring one of your primary traversal powers. There’s a teleporter in the cave that breaks open at the bottom.
Teleporter #7: Infernal Cauldron – From the Pillars of Xzorgana teleporter, look for the black rock path on the island pointing toward another island that’s dripping with lava. Swing over, then climb the platforms on the back of the hill.
Teleporter #8: Crackling Pedestal – Take the right path (two magnetic rails and a swing) to reach an desert island with this teleporter.
Within The Spire:
Teleporter #1: Moist Vestibule – The Tower’s Entrance teleporter sends you straight to this portal at the beginning of the Spire.
Teleporter #2: Vault Floor 4 – This final teleporter unlocks after you defeat the final boss in the spire.