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For solo campaign players, we think this is the best Rogue build in Diablo 4.
The Rogue is one of the most versatile and fun classes in Diablo 4. If you want to dice up armies of demons easily, the Rogue is a strong choice. Despite their reputation for long-range combat, these new Rogues have access to a variety of weapons and traps. You can focus on close-quarters or launch a barrage of arrows to wipe out giant groups of enemies. Like the Necromancer, the Rogues can also delve into the dark arts, utilizing Shadow or Poison to deal extra damage and debuff enemies. Combine that with their useful movement abilities and some all-timer defensive buffs, and Rogues are fun for almost any playstyle.
And we’re going to focus on a killer build that’s been making the rounds since the open-beta. The Twisted Blades ability may have been nerfed in a recent patch, but it still mangles monsters effortlessly. Add a few passive skills and layer Poison Traps on top, and this is the perfect solo build for completing your first campaign run.
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Rogue Build Guide
Thanks to hours and hours playing the beta, players have discovered a fundamental truth — the Rogue is a pretty powerful class. Even after the latest nerf, Rogues can wreck demons with a handful of useful skills. For this build, we’re mixing ranged basic attacks, powerful spinning blades, sneaky mobility skills, and a whole lot of poison. This is an extremely straightforward build that absolutely destroys enemies on World Tier 2. If you’re a solo player, this is how you rapidly level your way through the campaign.
- Puncture: Once fully upgrades, your Rogue will throw three blades. If 2/3 blades hit an enemy, they’ll be vulnerable for 2 seconds. Extremely useful for building resources and easy to use.
- +Enhanced Puncture, Fundamental Puncture
- Twisting Blades: The showstopper of this build and one of the best utility skills in the game. Spin wildly in place, dealing damage the entire time. Boost your attack with
- +Enhanced Twisting Blades, Advanced Twisting Blades
- Inner Sight: At Level 20, the Rogue unlocks three special gameplay styles. For this build we’ll want to use Inner Sight. This marks an enemy — attacking that target a special gauge. Filling the gauge gives us unlimited resources for 4 seconds.
- Shadow Step: A mobility power that’s useful for offense. Shadow Step is perfect for quickly moving around the arena — and with the right upgrades, you’ll also briefly stun targets. Great when combined with Inner Sight.
- +Enhanced Shadow Step, Methodical Shadow Step
- Dark Shroud: A pure defensive power that will keep your Rogue alive longer. Dark Shroud generates protective Shadows that increase damage reduction depending on how many shadows are currently summoned. With these upgrades, we’ll also increase movement speed.
- +Enhanced Dark Shroud, Subverting Dark Shroud
- Poison Trap: While rapidly moving around, spinning and slicing everything up, you can also leave behind deadly Poison Traps to turn the area into a killer morass. Enemies stuck in the poison take extra damage.
- +Enhanced Poison Trap, Subverting Poison Trap
- Momentum: This Key Passive rapidly increases your Damage Reduction, Energy Regeneration and Movement Speed. All you have to do is use Shadow Step constantly.
This build is all about supporting and empowering your Twisted Blades and the Poison Trap to deal extreme damage to groups of enemies. With Dark Shroud and Momentum, you’ll be protected. Rogues are relatively simple builds, so feel free to change any of the core powers. You may want to replace Shadow Step with Dash, or Momentum with a different Key Passive. Refunding skills is cheap, so experiment!
Ability Order | Momentum Build
At Level 20, the Rogue has to choose between several unique passives that change how you play. We’re going to focus on Insight — but all of these are valid choices. Combo Points is also very strong when dealing constant damage.
- Class Ability: Insight – We’ll want to unlock Insight for this build. Insight and the Momentum Key Passive are a strong combo.
Select these abilities as you level up. Starting with Puncture, you’ll want to quickly grab Twisting Blades and Shadow Step. After that, focus on expanding your repertoire then upgrading your abilities to make them stronger. Because Rogues and this build are so powerful, you really don’t need to put your points into abilities in any order — you’ll be able to survive anything once you’ve unlocked Dark Shroad.
- Ability Unlock Order:
- Puncture -> Enhanced Puncture -> Fundamental Puncture
- Twisting Blades -> Enhanced Twisting Blades -> Advanced Twisting Blades
- Weapon Mastery
- Inner Sight
- Shadow Step -> Enhanced Shadow Step -> Methodical Shadow Step
- Dark Shroud -> Enhanced Dark Shroud -> Subverting Dark Shroud
- Poison Trap -> Enhanced Poison Trap -> Subverting Poison Trap
- Deadly Venom
- Debilitating Toxins
- Alchemical Advantage
- Trap Mastery
- Siphoning Strikes
- Momentum
This is a simple hybrid build that’s great for solo Rogues. It mixes survivability with deadly core skills. You’ll be using ranged knives, poison traps, and constant spinning to clear out cellars in seconds. Here’s hoping it doesn’t get nerfed even more.