One thing that stands out in Amnesia: The Bunker is its collectibles. These hidden items aren’t just used for a checklist but also provide useful information to help you learn the game’s story and survive the horrors lurking in the halls. Photos are one of these collectibles. These images that are found through the bunker can seem a bit obtuse upon first viewing and are only used for worldbuilding, but these images can actually be used to hint towards certain things like item locations and secrets. While not needed to complete the game or any Achievement, getting all the Photos can definitely help on your journey. This guide will show players where to find all Photos in Amnesia: The Bunker.
More Amnesia: The Bunker Guides:
Amnesia: The Bunker – Full Achievement and Trophy List | Amnesia: The Bunker – How to Save Your Game | Amnesia: The Bunker – Map System Explained | Amnesia: The Bunker – Cut It Off Achievement Guide | Amnesia: The Bunker – Where to Find All Map Parts | Cartographer Achievement Guide | Amnesia: The Bunker – Generator System Explained | Amnesia: The Bunker – How to Lift the Emergency Lockdown | Gave the All Clear Achievement Guide | Amnesia: The Bunker – How to Get the Wrench | Amnesia: The Bunker – How to Get the Cutters | Toolist Achievement Guide
Where To Find All Photos In Amnesia: The Bunker
There are a total of 20 Photos found throughout the entire bunker. Below is a full map and breakdown of all of the Photo locations.

Photo #1
After awakening in the Infirmary after the game’s opening sequence, head out the door to the right of your bed and then go down the right hallway. On the left, there are two doors. Go to the second door and head inside the Docter’s Office. The first Photo is pinned to the wall of this room.

Photo #2
Continue through the starting area and get the pistol from the dying soldier. Shoot the lock off the door that leads to the Administration Office. Exit through the opposite side with the code found in the dog tag in the Generator Room. This will put you in the Central Bunker main hallway. From here, go left and take the first right. The room on your right is Mission Storage. You can get in here by removing the vent to the right of the first door and crawling through the air duct. Once inside, go to the lockers at the end of the room. You will find this Photo hanging on Forman Stafford’s locker.

Photo #3
Make your way to the Officer Quarters and enter the first door on the left with the name “JOUBERT” written on it. Go Through the door and look to the left to find a shelf with this Photo on it.

Photo #4
Go back into the hallway and go into the first door on the right. This will take you to the Strategy Operations room. The center of this room has a large table with a lot of miscellaneous items scattered across it. On the corner of the table near the door that you entered through is where you will find this Photo.

Photo #5
Head back into the Hallway and take a right. Take the first right in the hallway to find Fournier’s room. Open the door and look to the right to find this open cabinet with the Photo inside.

Photo #6
You will now need to lift the Emergency Lockdown that is cutting off access to all the other areas around the Central Bunker and Officer Quarters. You can find Gameranx’s full guide on how to lift the Emergency Lockdown here. With the lockdown over, you can now go to the other areas of the bunker. We will start by going to Soldier Quarters. Go down the stairs and you will find a wooden door that is locked. You will need to destroy the door with either an explosive, a shotgun blast, or by throwing a heavy brick at the door. Once inside, look to the left to find this Photo on a shelf.

Photo #7
Head deeper into Soldier Quarters and take a left at the Communications Room door at the end of the hall. The first door you see here will lead you to Barracks B. Go to the bed at the end of the left row of beds to find this Photo pinned to it.

Photo #8
Go through the door to the right of the bed you found the previous photo on. Follow the hallway to the wooden door that leads to the Mess Hall. Look to the right of the door to find this Photo on an electric box.

Photo #9
Go back to the Communications Room door and go to the right. Make your way down this hallway and go into the first left door to enter the Dark Room. This Photo can be found on the desk in this room.

Photo #10
Go back to the bed that you found Photo #8 on and go to the bed directly to its right. This is where you will find Henri Clement’s dog tag. Use the code written on its back to open his locker found back at Mission Storage. This Photo can be found in the locker.

Photo #11
Upon entering Maintenace, find the first door in the area. This door will be marked with planks of wood with “RATS KEEP OUT”. Pull the wood off to unlock the door. Once inside, look to the left of the map fragment on the wall to find a cabinet. Open it up to find this Photo.

Photo #12
Still in Maintenance, go to the Foreman’s Quarters. This Photo can be found pinned to the wall.

Photo #13
Going through Maintenance will get you the code needed to get the Wrench from Stafford’s dog tag. Check out Gameranx’s guide on how to get the Wrench here. With the Wrench acquired, go back to Soldier Quarters and go to the Mess Hall. In the back quarter of the room is a vent that can be opened with Wrench. Once the vent is opened, go through the opening and find this Photo sitting on a box to the right of the entrance.

Photo #14
Another Photo was found behind a vent, you will need to travel to the Prison area of the bunker. Go through the main hallway of the Prison until you reach the locked door that leads to Storage. The door is locked and must be destroyed with either an explosive, a shotgun, or a heavy brick. Once the door is down, turn to the right to find a locked vent. Open the vent with the Wrench to gain access to the Warden’s Office. Go to the left of the vent that you just entered through to find this Photo sitting on a shelf.

Photo #15
Head to the Arsenal and knock down the locked door to the Clerk’s Office with the map fragment to the area in it. Once inside, look at the shelf on the right to find this Photo.

Photo #16
To get to this last Photo, you will need the Cutters item found in the Prison. Check out the Gameranx guide on how to get the Cutters here. Use the Cutters to open the door to the Arsenal’s Storage area and activate the machinery directly to the left of the door. Go to the end of the flooded area and flip a switch to drain the area of water and clear a path deeper into the ruins beyond the bunker itself. Progress until you find some tables and tents set up by the exploration team. On one of these tables next to a pair of removed eyes is this Note.

With that last Photo collected, you will have found all the Photos in Amnesia: The Bunker. You can find other Gameranx guides on where to find other collectibles here: Central Bunker Notes, Officer Quarters Notes, Soldier Quarters Notes, Maintenance Notes, Prison/Arsenal Notes, Dog Tags.
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Amnesia: The Bunker – How to Save the German Prisoner | Life Preserver Achievement Guide | Amnesia: The Bunker – How to Disarm a Tripwire | Tinkerer Achievement Guide | Amnesia: The Bunker – How to Get the Arsenal Code | Signalman Achievement Guide | Amnesia: The Bunker – Where to Find the Detonator Handle | Explosives Technician Achievement Guide | Amnesia: The Bunker – How to Get the Dynamite Bundle | Munitions Expert Achievement Guide | Amnesia: The Bunker – Where to Find the Shotgun | Canonnier Achievement Guide | Amnesia: The Bunker – All Crafting Recipes | Amnesia: The Bunker – How to Get the Lighter | Flint & Steel Achievement Guide | Amnesia: The Bunker – How to Get the Gas Mask | Easy Breather Achievement Guide