If you’re looking for more challenges to conquer in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, you can always tackle the Force Tears. These bonus combat arenas pit you against impossible combinations of enemies — you’ll have to fight monsters alongside Imperials alongside Raiders. Most challenges mix up the enemies and force you to use a specific fighting style. Others require careful management as you battle 150 Droids, multiple waves of difficult unique enemies, or just get double-teamed by the most annoying bosses in the series. Force Tears are a fun additional diversion, and some of them require extra steps to unlock completely. Here’s a full list explaining how to unlock them and how to find them.
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Force Tear Locations Guide
There are 15 Force Tears in Jedi: Survivor. Find them all to unlock the ‘Blood, Sweat & Tears‘ achievement / trophy.
Force Tear (Fractured Tradition): Monastery Walls, Jedha – On the upper level of the Sutadan ruin, there are tall stone pillars. Jump carefully across the three pillars to discover this force tear on the ruined section of rooftop. Defeat the enemies inside to acquire a Skill Point.
Force Tear (Fractured Punishment): Devastated Settlement, Koboh – From the Grand Courtyard, ride the glider down to the high ledge located high above the Meditation Point puzzle room. On the same ledge as the seeds. Unlock a skill point for completing this combat challenge.
Force Tear (Fractured Endurance): Automated Forge, Shattered Moon – After defeating the Magnaguard, you’ll wall-run and climb up to a ledge with a zipline launcher. Nearby there’s also a rope shortcut you can cut down. Near the shortcut rope, jump through the smoke to reach an alcove with a databank and combat challenge. Defeat the swarm of melee Battle Droids to earn a skill point. There are 150 Battle Droids!
Force Tear (Fractured Duality): Rambler’s Reach Outpost, Koboh – Found on the roof of Pyloon’s Saloon. After recruiting Pili from the planet Jedha, she’ll begin tending your garden. Vines will spawn on the nearby tower, allowing you to access this Force Tear. Requires using the Double-Bladed Stance against Imperial Heavy Gunners, Shield Troopers and Command Droids.
Force Tear (Fractured Momentum): Smuggler’s Tunnels, Koboh – This unique Force Tear is located in the large Smuggler’s Den room with water at the bottom. Go to the back-right Green Barrier to access it. Instead of a battle, this is a platforming challenge. Return to the Smuggler’s Tunnels after unlocking the ability to dash through Green Barriers.
Force Tear (Fractured Delusion): Rambler’s Reach Outpost, Koboh – Zip up to the ledge on the edge of town where the floating drone platforms are located. There’s a chest that can only be opened with Force Lift. From the treasure chest, grapple up the floating drones to a high ledge above Rambler’s Reach. Right next to the treasure. In this Tear, you’ll need to fight multiple annoying Soonta Madas enemies.
- This will ONLY SPAWN if you complete the Soonta Madas special event in Rambler’s Reach. Enter the house with high security — late in the game, you’ll be able to use your powers to open the door. Inside, check the Force Echo in the basement. After the ambush, the Force Tear will appear.
Force Tear (Fractured Power): Marl Cavern, Koboh – Travelling through Marl Cavern from the Fogged Expanse, reach the upper level. The upper level has the path leading to an exterior walkway with ziplines leading toward the Imperial Base. Instead of going that way, use the floating drone to jump to a cavern ledge with this tear.
Force Tear (Fractured Malice): Coruscant Rooftops, Coruscant – Backtrack from the Coruscant Undercity Meditation Point across the Rooftops. Return to the interior with the blown-out wall. There’s a door (visible on the map) Cal can raise up with Force Lift.
Force Tear (Fractured Burden): Gorge Crash Site, Koboh – Raise up the elevator shortcut in the Gorge Crash Site area. Underneath the lift, there’s a hatch you can only open with Force Lift. The tear is in the cave below.
Force Tear (Fractured Resolve): Swindler’s Wash, Koboh – Found in the sunken canyon near Rambler’s Reach Outpost. There’s a lower wetland called Swindler’s Wash. Check behind the waterfall after travelling to Jedha to find this tear.
Force Tear (Fractured Agility): Boiling Bluff, Koboh – Return to the Boiling Bluff location near the end of the game — after you unlock the ability to grapple onto flying drones. Use the Balloon Spawner to launch yourself to the floating drones in the distance. At the top of this platforming path, tame the giant bird to reach the Force Tear.
Force Tear (Fractured History): Rambler’s Reach Outpost – Once ready, travel to Doma’s Shop near Pyloon’s Saloon. The frog to the right of Doma will be glowing. Examine it. The tear will appear in her shop nearby.
- To unlock this Force Tear, travel to Fort Kah’lin and reach the back-left upper floor. There’s a platform that’ll drop you into an arena against the Spawn of Oggdo Legendary Enemy. Defeat it and scan it.
Force Tear (Fractured Determination): Arid Flats, Jedha – Available after unlocking the ability to travel through Green Barriers. From the Arid Flats Meditation Point, travel left toward the Legendary Enemy arena. Along the cave walls there’s a Green Barrier — dash through it to find this tear.
Force Tear (Fractured Dexterity): Blustery Mesa, Jedha – Starting from the Trailhead Pantheon Meditation Point, go upstairs and exit through the shortcut to the Blustery Mesa. Outside, turn left and then look left again in the rocks for an alternate passage blocked by a Green Barrier. Dash through the barrier to unlock the treasure.
Force Tear (Fractured Cunning): Timeworn Bridge, Jedha – Backtrack to the starting section of the massive crumbling bridge. Check your map for a Green Barrier. From the first bridge combat area, climb up and into the narrow space leading into a cave hallway. Find the Green Barrier and dash through.