Phil Spencer Is Interested In Bringing Epic Game Store, Even Itchio, To Xbox
We don't know how much itchio will benefit Xbox, but Xbox could really elevate itchio.
We don't know how much itchio will benefit Xbox, but Xbox could really elevate itchio.
They didn't even get to announce their game.
Fly free, Caged Magistrate!
Uncover the evidence and bring Allard to justice -- and there's a sex scene.
Another Mythic weapon joins the Chapter 5 Season 2 loot pool.
Sometimes, we just have to move on.
This is a worthy 3D Sonic title to get a remake, that hopefully polishes its issues.
We don't know why Ubisoft hasn't given a release date yet, but they may already be done with making this game.
Maybe it's an opportunity for Remedy to find new fans.
New content is underway.
It was a funny statement but also rarely brave.
Featuring 16 characters and four bosses.
Capcom falls short of giving a direct apology, but consider this an apology in deed.
The most valuable chicken in Fortnite history.
Even Hasbro is ready to move on, starting their own game studios.
If this reporting is all true, it's a sad time to be part of the Overwatch team.
We can't say we only have rumors to go on here.