Evil West: All Chapter 11 Collectibles | A Man of the People Lore, Cash, and Chest Locations
Let's return the favor and save this town!
Let's return the favor and save this town!
Time to face off against Felicity.
A ghostly swamp awaits.
Into the blood-soaked marsh.
Chill down the spine.
Time to get the team together!
So much for a homecoming...
On the search for D'Abano.
Seaching the wreckage of a train is quite the way the start!
Free DLC, the best type of DLC
Soon you will be able to race as Mickey!
FromSoftware will do what it does best.
It has been zero days since our last workplace accident.
Protect ya neck, son.
It's finally time for some festive freelancing.
Hopefully this rumored release date isn't just another mirage itself.
It's only been out a few hours but Steam players aren't happy.
Get ready to travel light, the trip comes up in a few days.