The course of Fortnite Chapter 5 has changed, as a sandstorm has brought new challenges to Season 3. To put up a fight, you’re going to need a strong arsenal of weapons and luckily, updates have been made to the Fortnite loot pool to allow you to do just that.
As is the case with the launch of every new Fortnite season, there are fresh weapons, items returning from the vault, while others are tucked away back in the vault. As far as new additions go, there are plenty of exciting mythics, along with new ways to replenish your health.
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New weapons in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3
The following weapons and items are joining the battle royale for the very first time.
- Nitro Fists
- The Machinist’s Combat Assault Rifle
- Megalo Don’s Nitro Fists
- Megalo Don’s Combat Shotgun
- Ringmaster Scarr’s Boom Bolt
- Boom Bolt
- Nuka Cola
- Nitro Splash
- Nitro Barrels
- Slurp Cactus
Unvaulted weapons in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3
Here are all the weapons that have either been unvaulted or carried over from the previous season, with some receiving updates.
- Cerberus’ Gatekeeper Shotgun
- Combat Shotgun
- Gatekeeper Shotgun
- Hammer Pump Shotgun
- Oscar’s Frenzy Auto Shotgun
- Warforged Assault Rifle
- Tactical Assault Rifle
- Balance changes:
- Increased damage at long distances.
- Reduced recoil.
- Reduced bullet spread.
- Balance changes:
- Enforcer AR
- Balance changes:
- Increased damage.
- Increased fire rate.
- Increased critical hit multiplier.
- Balance changes:
- Thunder Burst SMG
- Harbinger SMG
- Huntress DMR
- Ranger Pistol
- Hand Cannon
- Balance changes:
- Increased damage at long distances.
- Increased projectile speed.
- Balance changes:
- Shockwave Grenade
Vaulted weapons in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3
Say farewell to the loot that’s going back to the vault.
- Nemesis Assault Rifle
- Reaper Sniper Rifle
- Waterbending Mythic
- Drum Gun
- Star Wars weapons
- Zeus Huntress DMR
- Hades Harbinger Submachine Gun
- Ares Warforged Assault Rifle
- Thunderbolt of Zeus
- Wings of Icarus
- Chains of Hades
- Port-A-Bunker
- Chug Splash
- FlowBerry
- Banana of the Gods
Now you know what the Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3 loot pool looks like, you know exactly what to expect when you drop into your first match!