By utilizing a quirk of Starfield enemy AI, players have discovered a secret method to make your ship completely immune to all damage — and it isn’t an exploit or a cheat. We’re not glitching the game. We’re just using the AI’s tendencies against them. By building your ship in a very weird way, players are making it so enemy ships can’t hit them. Seriously.
Roll up your sleeves, because it’s time to start building the perfect ship. Here’s how to create a ship that enemies can’t hit. You’ll have to try this for yourself.
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How To Build An Invincible Spaceship
For this ship build, the goal is to make the center of mass of the ship a massive void — enemy ships always aim for the center of your ship, whether there’s something there in the center of the Spaceship Builder blueprint area of not. If you don’t get it yet, you will soon.
To build the ‘perfect‘ invincible ship for space combat, find a Ship Services NPC at any major settlement. Go to the Ship Builder and choose to modify one of your existing ships or build an entirely new one. Once you’re ready, here’s what we need to do.

- Ship Builder Tips:
- In the Ship Builder, use Habs to place your Docker in a far-corner away from your ship. Connect a series of habs to the left or right and then up so there’s a large space in the middle of the Ship Builder screen.
- The ‘center‘ of the ship is always the center of the Ship Builder screen. By increasing the width and heigh of the ship, we’re confusing the air and forcing it to shoot when there’s nothing actually there.
- You can build in a large O shape or in an L shape — once your Docker is in a far corner of the screen, your work is done. You may need to add more engines so your ship is less sluggish.
- To finish the build, use structural parts. We don’t need all habs — just an L-shaped path so your giant and weirdly-shaped ship can dock and pass the Flight Check.
- Build as high and wide as the ship builder will allow.
You can do your own spin on this build in a variety of ways. You can place your cockpick in the lower left / right corner with habs stacked up high on top of each other, then use structural parts to build a large scaffolding for weapons, engines, shields and other useful parts. No matter what, this build looks completely ridiculous and exiting out of it can be a huge pain. I’d only use this build for laughs — and to impress your friends as you (slowly) glide around the galaxy while enemies ineffectually attempt to shoot you down, their shots totally missing your ship.