Legendary weapons aren’t the only guns that matter in Starfield. Players have discovered two Rare pistols that might be the best weapons in the game — not only are they incredibly powerful, they’re also available to collect very early in the story. The two guns are the Mutineer and the Radburn. Even if you’ve searched every corner of the galaxy, you can easily miss these two weapons. Below we’ll explain where to find them and why they really are as powerful as people say.
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Rare Pistol Locations
There are two secret pistols that are incredibly easy to miss — that are also absurdly powerful for pistol builds. Or any builds.

The Mutineer | Unique Pistol Location
Progress the main story until you encounter Vladimir — one of the members of Constellation on his station The Eye. After your first meeting, talk to him to unlock an activity called ‘Visit Vladimir’s House‘. Travel to Syrma 7-a (Syrma System) and land at Vlad’s Villa.
This vast estate is incredibly nice and can be used as a home-away-from-home, but we’re looking for a particularly strong handgun. Inside the villa, go downstairs from the steps and reach the Advanced Lock door. There are two digipicks in the corner of this room. You’ll need Security Rank 1 to hack the door and get inside.
Inside the room, you’ll find the Rare Pistol on the table. The Mutineer is absurdly powerful and uses rare .43 Mi Array ammo. You may have to buy it to stay stocked up. Here’s a rundown on the pistol.

- The Mutineer | Rare Pistol
- Phy Damage: 315
- Ammo: .43 MI | Mag: 6 | Fire Rate: 161 | Range: 30 | Accuracy: 63.1%
- Mass: 5.20 | Value: 40967 | Mods: 4/6
- Space Adept: +30% damage while in space, and -15% damage while on a planet.
- Magnetic Rails
- Compensator
- Depleted Uranium Rounds
- Fully Automatic
The damage depends on your current build. With Ballistics and Pistol Certification unlocked, this becomes one of the most powerful weapons in the game period. Not only is it extremely powerful — when I collected it, it is twice as powerful as the best legendary weapons I’ve collected in the game — it is also fully automatic.

Radburn | Unique Pistol Location
Following the UC Vanguard story, you’ll eventually reach a mission that takes you to Tau Ceti 2. The UC Vanguard story is started by talking to the UC Vanguard Commander in the Lobby of the MAST Tower in New Atlantis. But progressing the story isn’t really required.
Travel to Tau Ceti 2 (Tau Ceti System) and land at the Tau Gourmet Production Center. You can travel here even if a mission hasn’t started. Land and then travel to the far back of the abandoned factory — behind the large structure, you’ll find a fenced area with large TAU shipping containers. Jump into the back one to find a small weapon case.
Open the case to collect the Radburn. This killer pistol uses the 7.77m ammo type, making it incredibly versatile and deals energy damage. It looks basic — but if you use it, you’ll see how strong it is.

- Radburn | Rare Pistol
- Phys Damage: 49 | Engy Damage: 1
- Ammo: 7.77M | Mag: 12 | Fire Rate: 114 | Range: 21 | Accuracy: 68.5%
- Mass: 0.65 | Value: 5473 | Mods: 4/6
- Radioactive: Randomly deals radioactive damage and demoralizes the target.
- Compensator
- Whitehot Rounds
- Hair Trigger
- Binary Trigger
The Radburn deals physical, energy and radiation damage with each shot. It’s also fully-automatic and uses an extremely common ammo type that you’ll probably be stocked with by the time you find this gun. For anyone running pistol builds, this is an absolutely killer basic weapon.