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Wrathful Hearts are still the rarest drops in Diablo 4. Some players are struggling to find a single Wrathful Heart even after grinding up to level 80+. There’s no guarantee you’ll see a single Wrathful Elite as you progress through the story — but you will always get at least one Wrathful Heart by defeating the main story boss. After that, you might never get another Wrathful Heart.
Players have found a method to cheat Wrathful Hearts — but we’re going to show you a legitimate method for farming Wrathful Hearts. This is by far the most efficient method and requires working with teams to give yourself the highest chance of spotting a Wrathful Elite. Because finding (or crafting) Wrathful Invokers is so incredibly rare, we’re not going to worry about that method.
Discover what the Season of the Malignant is all about with our Season 1 rundown right here. If you’re just getting started, here’s a rundown explaining how Malignant Hearts work and how to unlock them.
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Working With Teams To Find Wrathful Elites
Wrathful Hearts are extremely useful Malignant Hearts that can be slotted into any Malignant Slots. They are rare, powerful gems exclusive to Season 1. You’ll only have a limited time to acquire these strong upgrades for your gear.
To find Wrathful Hearts, your best shot is farming Wrathful Elites. These are extremely rare Malignant Elites. Other types of Malignant — Vicious, Devious and Brutal — are more common. When farming, you’ll most likely encounter the standard three elites. To increase your chances, you’ll want to work with a team to search multiple instances of the same Malignant Tunnels. Here’s a quick rundown.
- Farming Malignant Tunnels For Wrathful Hearts:
- Work with four players (you + three friends) — don’t join a party. Instead, stay in contact outside of Diablo 4.
- All four players, independently, enter the Ravening Pit Malignant Tunnel in the Dry Steppes. This Malignant Tunnel has two guaranteed Malignant Elites near the entrance.
- Leave the dungeon to reset and check these Malignant Elites to see if a Wrathful Elite spawns. All four players, on separate instances, will check the same dungeon over and over.
- When one player spots a Wrathful Elite, join that player’s team to enter their dungeon instance. You can all kill the Wrathful Elite to gain a Wrathful Heart.
- Disband and continue to run the Ravening Pit separately until you spot another Wrathful Elite.
Working with a team, you’ll exponentially increase your chances of spotting a Wrathful Elite. Even with the help, Wrathful Elites are rare. You may want to gather random Malignant Hearts while you’re running these dungeons. That will slow down your farm, but also help you gather resources that can be used to further improve your chances of getting Wrathful Hearts.
Using The Extra Ichor For Wrathful Hearts
While hunting for Wrathful Hearts, you’ll encounter lots (and lots) of regular Malignant Hearts. These will fill up your inventory fast when running the Ravening Pits. Most Malignant Hearts are useless, so break them down into Malignant Ichor and use them at Cormond’s Workbench.
- Salvage Malignant Hearts to acquire Malignant Ichor at Cormond’s Workbench.
- Spend the ichor to create an Uncertain Heart Cache.
- Creating caches has a chance to drop Black Wrathful Malignant Hearts.
Use the extra Malignant Ichor for extra random rolls for Wrathful Hearts. In our experience, you’ll get one Wrathful Hearts per 10 caches — which isn’t always true. Sometimes it takes far more (or fewer) caches to score a heart. The grind is a real pain in Diablo 4 and this is one way to make it slightly less grueling.