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The pace of a level in a 3D platformer can really help set the mood for how the game feels overall. Sackboy: A Big Adventure understands that principle quite well and that can be seen throughout its playtime. One level, Slippery Slope found in the game’s second world, is a pretty short level, however, it’s still packed to bursting with secrets to be found and collectibles to be snagged.
The one tricky part about the level is that many of the collectibles are found on the slide that makes up the majority of its runtime. Because you’ll be forced to constantly be sliding down, you won’t be able to turn around and grab them if you miss a collectible. Luckily, the level is pretty short so you’ll be able to retry quickly.
Here’s where to find all three Dream Orbs in Slippery Slope in Sackboy: A Big Adventure.
More Sackboy: A Big Adventure guides:
| Cold Feat Dream Orb Locations | Up For Grabs Dream Orb Locations | Keys to Success Dream Orb Locations | Ready Yeti Go Dream Orb Locations | Treble in Paradise Dream Orb Locations | Have You Herd? Dream Orb Locations | Blowing Off Steam Dream Orb Locations | Sticking With It Dream Orb Locations | A Cut Above the Rest Dream Orb Locations |
Dream Orb #1
The first Dream Orb is found immediately when the level starts. After being shot out of the plant cannon, you’ll start sliding down the slope and the Dream Orb is found in the center of the two paths that cross after a few seconds of sliding.

Dream Orb #2
After completing the first sliding section, you’ll have to fight two spinning flame enemies. Take care of them but instead of jumping into the second plant cannon, follow the path to the west that climbs up above the arena and you’ll find a zipper door. Go through it.

Inside the door, you’ll need to jump across falling platforms while avoiding spiked logs to get to the floating Dream Orb on the other side. To easily do this, pick a horizontal path to walk across the area on and then when you get the orb, turn around and walk across the room on a different vertical path.

Dream Orb #3
After being shot out of the second plant cannon, slide down the slope until you encounter the caterpillar-like enemies that walk in a circle all in a row. Avoid them as you slide, but try to stay in the center of the slope. The next time you encounter them, they’ll be walking in a circle around the third and final Dream Orb. Jump over them to grab it and then continue sliding down to the end of the level.