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There’s a new status effect in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet — a status effect that deals extreme damage to Water and Steel types. Salt Cure is one of the strangest special attacks in the game. A big block of living salty Pokemon douses your enemy in salt, causing extreme corrosion and dealing damage forever. There is no cure for Salt Cure. Like Curse, damage is dealt at the end of your opponent’s turn for the entire battle. The status effect remains until your opponent runs away, wins the fight, or (most likely) succumbs to extreme damage. And it even combines with Toxic to deal even more damage. Learn all about Salt Cure and how to unlock it in the full guide below.
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Why Is Salt Cure So Strong?

Salt Cure is a special Move that deals incurable damage — like Curse. This move is learned by Naclstack and Garganacl — Pokemon primarily found in the northern regions of Paldea. This move is especially powerful against Steel and Water type Pokemon, but works against all Pokemon. It has a 100% hit rate.
- Salt Cure Move: Rock-Type – Physical – Attack 40 – Accuracy 100 – 15/15 PP – 100% Effective
If you’re struggling against a Gym Leader or Team Star Leader, you can guarantee victory by inflicting this move on your opponent. It can’t be cured and continues to deal damage every turn. If you have enough healing potions, you can easily outlast any enemy. It is surprisingly effective! It is unique to a totally new Pokemon, so we’ll explain where to find Naclstack / Garganacl and how to acquire this move.
How To Get Salt Cure

Salt Cure is a Signature Move that can only be learned by Nacli, Naclstack and Garganacl. After evolving to Naclstack, you’ll learn this skill immediately. If you have Garganacl, it will be learned at Level 24. Access your Summary menu to Remember the move — learn more about remembering moves here.
- Where To Catch Nacli & Naclstack: These Pokemon are easily found on Glaseado Mountain, near the Dalizapa Passage cave exit. From the Dalizapa Passage Pokemart, travel north (and up) to the exit of the cave. You’ll reach the base of the mountain. On the gray terrain, you’ll find both Pokemon.
Nacli and Naclstack appear commonly in large groups, with Naclstack at the center. If you catch a Nacli, level up to Level 24 (or just level up once, these Nacli tend to be Level 35+) to evolve into Naclstack and learn Salt Cure.
Naclstack evolves into Garganacl at Level 38 — if you catch a high level Nacli at the base of Glaseado Mountain, you can very easily get a Garganacl in two levels.