The camo grind is officially underway in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 as players are working towards the game’s four different Mastery Camos. From the iconic Gold to the new Platinum, Polyatomic, and Orion Mastery Camos, there is plenty of work that is going to need to go into unlocking all the camos that the game has to offer. The way that camos are unlocked in this game is different than previous entries in the long-running FPS franchise, so some players might need some help to fully understand how the new system works. This guide will explain how the new Camo Mastery System works and how to unlock Gold, Platinum, Polyatomic, and Orion Camos in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.
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Mastery Camo System Explained In all of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
The Camo System has undergone some interesting changes in Modern Warfare 2 when compared to its past entries that have both streamlined the yearly grind of getting all your weapon camos as well as opened up weapons to have a much wider variety of equippable camos. In previous games, players would have a list of camos that each gun shares, but you would need to unlock those camos on each weapon, meaning that while the camos available on each weapon were the same, you would have to use a specific weapon and complete a set of challenges with it to get the camos for that gun and that gun alone. When you unlocked all the camos, you would unlock the Gold Camo on that gun. From here, you could unlock further Mastery Camos like Diamond, which would unlock when all the weapons in a class of weapons (i.e. all your Assault Rifles) had Gold unlocked, and the Black Ops series’ Dark Matter Camo, which would unlock after getting Diamond on every weapon class.
The Camo System in Modern Warfare 2 still has the staples like Gold and a Diamond equivalent, Platinum, but the process of grinding the same camos over and over again on different guns is a thing of the past now. Instead of having the same list of camos for each gun, you will only need to unlock 4 camos per weapon, each one being unique to that weapon. Once you unlock said camo, it will join a pool of every other camo you have unlocked, allowing you to equip any of the 186 regular camos to any weapon of your choosing. To unlock these camos, you will need to level up a gun to a specific level which is specified by hovering over a locked camo and completing the challenge that the camo tasks you with. Once all 4 camos are unlocked, you will unlock not Gold but rather the Gold Challenge, which will require you to complete another challenge to get the Gold Camo.

Now that you have one Golden Gun, you will need to repeat the process and unlock Gold on every gun in a Weapon Class to unlock the Platinum Challenge. This, just like the Gold Challenge, is a task you need to complete to get Platinum on that specific gun. Unlike in the past where once you got Gold in a weapon, you would get Diamond instantly on all the guns in the class, you will need to go through each weapon individually and complete the Platinum Challenge to get the camo on those guns individually. This is the same for Polyatomic with its camo challenge becoming available when you get the Platinum camos for 51 weapons, which is the number of starting weapons in the game.
Finally, when you get Polyatomic Camo unlocked on 51 guns you will instantly unlock Orion on all the weapons, which is the final Mastery Camo as of now. From here, you will be able to complete the Weapon Mastery Challenges, which will give you unique Calling Cards, Emblems, and Charms for your weapons which you can read about here.
Stay tuned to Gameranx for future news, updates, and guides on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 as well as Warzone 2.0.
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