Clockwork, the 17th and final mission of the campaign for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 sees you and your team infiltrating a Chicago skyscraper to stop a missile launch targeting Washington, D.C. In this mission, there is an Achievement / Trophy that you can unlock known as “Must be Wind.” The sequence tied to this Achievement is found right at the start of the mission as you rappel down from the roof of the skyscraper that Hassan and his men have taken control of. As you rappel down the building, You will need to clear out three floors of a total of 11 enemies, with the extra challenge for this Achievement being that you will need to save all the hostages in this sequence without any of the enemies firing their weapons. This basically means to go through the rappel without getting spotted, which could be a bit difficult. Luckily, I can help with that! This guide will explain to players how to get the Test Drive Achievement and Trophy in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.
Must Be Wind Trophy Guide In Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
After the opening cutscene that sees Soap and Price land on the roof of the skyscraper and you hook yourself up for the rappel. The first floor that you need to clear out only has two enemies. If you wait a few seconds upon arriving to the floor, one of the hostages will attempt to run away, leading to the pair of guards chasing him. When they catch up to him, they will have lined themselves up that it is possible with some repositioning on your part to take them out with a collateral headshot. You can also shoot them both in quick succession.

Moving on to the next floor, you will find a total of four guards in a board room, three in the room itself, and one with a hostage in the hallway. I suggest making your way as far left as you can to take aim at the guard all the way on the left. One of the four guards patrols around the room and at one point stops next to the leftmost guard. Position yourself correctly and you will be able to take both of them down with one shot. Now, move back to the right to focus on the other two guards. Once again, these two can get lined up, but the one in the back is constantly moving, so I suggest taking him out with a headshot and quickly unloading on the last target in the room to clear it of hostiles.

The final room has the most guards present at five but is actually a fairly easy one to clear. When you approach the floor, the guards will be moving around as they manhandle some hostages around. Keep out of sight and wait for them to all settle into their positions. Once they do, make your way all the way to the right to line up a double headshot on the guards on this side of the room. If you take the shot when the three others aren’t looking, you won’t alert the rest of the room. for the final three targets, it is possible to line up all three of them for a triple headshot, but I find it quicker and easier to just line up the enemies and empty your gun into their torsos as fast as possible. This should drop the three of them.

If you ever get spotted or a gun goes off, don’t worry! Press pause and reload your last checkpoint to try that floor again. You will pass a checkpoint after each floor clears, so after you have successfully finished one of the floors you won’t need to do it again. With all that complete, you should have unlocked the Achievement / Trophy Must be Wind in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.
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