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Midnight Fight Express has a lot of side content and objectives for players to engage in. Between completing optional challenges and mastering the combat, there’s a lot packed into the game. One side activity has players finding NPCs to talk to throughout the 40 different levels in the game. There are 32 different conversations that the player can have and, if they do, they’ll unlock the “People Person” trophy.
While finding all 32 different NPCs to talk to can seem like a tall order, the game makes things a little easy for players by telling them which levels have conversations and which that do the player has unlocked. This is done in the “Levels” tab of the Hideout menu.
On the image associated with each level, you’ll see one of three things: an image of a man in a hat and glasses drawn in white, the same image drawn in black, or no image. If it’s white, it means you’ve had your conversation for the level, if it’s black/gray it means there’s an NPC to talk to that you haven’t found, and if there’s no image it means that there’s no NPC in that level.
NOTE: This guide is a work in progress, check back later for more NPC conversation locations.
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| Knight Figure Location | How to Stick Plungers on Enemy Faces | How to Throw Enemies Over Railings | The Best Skills to Unlock Early | Can You Reassign Skill Points? | How to Get Gold Teeth | Tips For Getting S Rank | 8 Hidden Teeth Locations | How to Defeat Enemies Using Fish | Rage Explained | Molotov Cocktail Locations | All Goblin Statue Locations |
Metro Station

While there are plenty of NPCs hanging around on the train platform when you start the level, the NPC that you can talk to is found after the first combat encounter. After taking care of the enemies on the second train platform, walk up the stairs and the NPC is leaning on the catwalk to the right of the top of the stairs.

This is a short level, so you may miss the NPC if you don’t have your eyes peeled. They can be found in the northeast corner of the room hiding inside a stall. You’ll need to take out all of the enemies in the section before talking to them.
Abandoned Metro

The NPC is right at the start of the level. They’re located to the left of the door you enter from. They’re looking at an ATM.
Train Tunnel

After taking out all of the enemies in the level, head back to where you entered. You’ll find an NPC working on a circuit box on the step above you.

This NPC is also found at the start of the level. Instead of going through the door on the north end of the room, circle back into the middle section of the room and you’ll find a custodian working who’ll talk to you.

You’ll need to be looking above you to find the NPC in the shipyard in Midnight Fight Express. Midway through the level, you’ll end up walking through a shipping container to proceed. Look above the container you need to walk through and you’ll find an NPC sitting on a chair.
The S.S. Muggler

Follow the main path of the level until you find yourself climbing up stairs to make it to the bridge of the ship. After climbing two flights of stairs follow the deck around the southwest corner instead of climbing all the way to the top. You’ll eventually be stopped by a stack of boxes, but on the other side of the boxes is the NPC for the level.
Oil Rig

Play through the level until you fight the enemies in scuba suits. Fight your way through that encounter, but before moving on, head back to where you started the encounter and you’ll find an NPC leaning out a window that you can talk with.
Civilian Evacuation Center

Play through the level until you’re forced to walk through a building that has two chairs in it. Instead of going north like the critical path wants you to, go out the east door and you’ll find a fisherman who you can speak to.
Gas Station

Play through the level as normal until you’re done taking down the enemies located in the shopping mart. Once they’re taken care of and you’ve talked to the manager hiding in the back room, go back into the main room of the store and you’ll find an employee in between the first and second rows of shelves to talk to.

The NPC in Motel is quite a ways into the level. Progress normally until you get to the part where someone drives a car into a pool. Complete the entire combat encounter and once you’re done, run as far south as possible and you’ll find the NPC sitting on a pool chair in the corner of the area.
Hawthorne Diner

There are plenty of NPCs scattered across this level, but the one that you need to talk to is located in the diner across from the door you enter in. You won’t be able to talk to them until after you’ve cleared out the room, so take care of the enemies and then return to them. They’re the only NPC in the area and they’re eating a massively oversized burger.
Game Studio

Play the level as regular until you’ve fought your way to the very top of the building. Complete the board room section and then you’ll see a cutscene where SWAT shows up. Instead of heading back down the stairs, go to the southwestmost room and you’ll find an NPC that you can talk to that’s playing VR.
Train Station

This NPC is at the very start of the level. As soon as you get out of the car, hook a right in front of the door leading into the station and you’ll find an eccentrically dressed character to talk to.

This NPC is also at the start. As soon as you gain control, you can find them standing next to a half-buried tire right along the critical path leading to the first combat encounter.
Fight Club

There are a lot of NPCs in this level, but the one you’re looking for is sitting on the trunk of a car towards the beginning. After getting the cutscene that establishes the parking lot fight club, head south and you’ll see two NPCs sitting together on a car. You can talk to the one in yellow.

This NPC is literally the first thing you see in the level. They’re moping the floor right when you start. Impossible to miss them.
Russian Casino

Fight your way through the level as usual until you’re done with the second combat encounter. Before moving on to the third room, you’ll find the NPC that you can talk to in the northwest corner as they’ve just won big on a slot machine.

Right when you start the level, you’ll find a man in a suit waiting by the counter. They’re the only person in the room not injured, dead, or otherwise cowering.

Fight your way through the first three encounters. Instead of trying to break into the control room like the critical path wants, turn around and look into the bathroom on the right where you’ll find a clown that you can talk to through the door.
Construction Site

Make your way through the level until you get to an area lit entirely with red lights. Take out the group of enemies that jump you there (they should be the first ones in the level to use nail guns) and then head to the far north edge of the platform. On the other side, you’ll find a construction worker to talk to.

This NPC is at the end of the level. Fight your way into the church and then take care of the enemies in it. Once that’s taken care of, you’ll find an NPC praying along the north wall of the church.

Survive the waves of regular enemies and then the deadhead zombies. Then, make your way to the northeast section of the graveyard and you’ll find a black-robbed NPC praying over a grave on the opposite side of a fence.

Once you get through the tractor boss fight, you’ll find yourself in front of a nightclub. In the bottom right corner of the area, you’ll find a group of NPCs talking and one will talk with you if you approach him.
Night Club

There are a lot of NPCs in this level, but the one you’re looking for is at the very end. You’ll eventually find yourself fighting on a dance floor (for the second time) and as soon as you jump up to the part of the floor where the DJ is, you’ll find that you can talk to them. They’re wearing a red mask.
VIP Room

Play through the level and finish the boss fight with the guy with the chainsaw. Once that’s taken care of, instead of heading up the stairs, walk around the cage to the left and you’ll find a group of NPCs sitting at a table that you can talk to.
Parking Garage

You’ll find this NPC early in the level after the first combat encounter. They’re tucked away on the southeast side of the garage between a red and blue car.

This NPC is the first thing you see when you start the level. They’re leaning against the wall of the alley.