Rumor: Gotham Knights Might Have A Second Chance On The Switch 2
Warner Bros. would have to genuinely commit to long term investment to fix Gotham Knights, regardless of the platform.
Warner Bros. would have to genuinely commit to long term investment to fix Gotham Knights, regardless of the platform.
Notably they did not say this was a DC Studios game.
Monolith Productions gets an extra hand.
WB Games Montreal looks intent to fix what went wrong with their last title, and maybe even realize their potential.
So, Sony has already launched their Halloween Sale last week, but maybe you aren’t quite in the market for Halloween and horror themed games. Sony isn’t letting gamers like you behind, as they have a new sale coming up promising a lot of big games and a lot of value. This week on the PlayStation …
This may be a sign that Warner Bros still wants to save this game.
No official details have yet to be shared.
Each character provides a unique experience.
The streets of Gotham will soon be yours.
Bruce Wayne dies in a terrible accident.
Are we any closer to a new update?
Alongside a unique storyline, players will get to venture Gotham City.
A new narrative was established for this upcoming game.
Team up with your friends and defend Gotham!
The long-awaited reveal is finally here!
Would you like to see a soft reboot?
Author of storyline might have unveiled the game.