Watch Dogs Movie Has Begun Filming
The production has finally started!
Red Dead Redemption 2 headlines the new additions.
This film will have a built-in fanbase.
These fantastic games will have you delving into the criminal underworld.
Get ready to join in with friends.
Players will need to wait a bit longer to enjoy Watch Dogs: Legion together.
Could we see Marcus appear in Watch Dogs Legion?
Here's how to find some of the weirdest and best operatives in London.
Check out the trailer right here.
Game producer unveils that Aiden Pearce is playable in the campaign.
New trailer footage revealed.
Free upgrade to next-gen is nice!
Clint Hocking talks about recruitment in Watch Dogs: Legion.
Are you going to view the stream?
Next week free video game titles have been unveiled.
There’s still going to be plenty of narrative storylines for players to chew through.
Don’t worry about running into two NPCs with the same voice or facial features.
This is going to be fun to watch get revealed!
Free time? Pick up Watch Dogs for free, this weekend only.
It is unsure if Ubisoft will replace these AR mini games with something else.