Your Guide To The PlayStation Holiday Sale: Week 1
There are some hard bargains.
This unique weapon is a product of Vault 111; here's how to get back into the Vault and grab the weapon you left behind.
Every little scrapped bit counts, especially when the size of your settlement is on the line.
Yeah, we know you were thinking it. Well, you can do it too. You just gotta have the charm and luck.
The ultimate guide to help you figure out the basics to building your Fallout 4 settlements.
Consider this Cooking 101! Also: how to find new recipes out in the Commonwealth.
Like a Goodneighbor, cold beer is there. Find out how to get the best brews the Commonwealth has to offer.
Or for yourself this Christmas.
Yes, there really is a Chinese submarine in Fallout 4 and no, it is not a sea monster Donny.
These new projectile injectibles are a new addition to the series. Let us break it down for you.
Learn how to better protect yourself, and deal more damage.
This simple little tweak will allow you even more space for crops and water pumps.
How would you like to set your enemies on fire? *Without* a Molotov Cocktail?
The Fallout 4 loading screens no doubt have you salivating over this powerful, cannonball firing weapon.
Now you can stomp around the Commonwealth like the star of the comic series himself!
If you're stumped for how to make anything out of this chaotic tiny little space, this guide will show you the way.
You've heard all about that secret treasure, the pride of Jamaica Plain. Now find out how to get your hands on it.
Here's a solution for that pesky Pip-Boy problem that occurs when you hit SHIFT + TAB.
The answer seems obvious but it's not: there's a reason your settlers are endlessly begging for more defense.
Deliver the Deathclaw eggs? Or take them back to their nest? Here are the pros and cons.
This key mission in Fallout 4 can be confusing, especially once you reach the sealed door.
Everyone needs fancy clothes!
Time to go Grognak over some comics.
Time to get populatin'.