Steam Now Lists Denuvo And Epic Login Requirements For Sonic Superstars
Sega seems to have wanted to trick Sonic fans who didn't know what they were buying into.
Sega seems to have wanted to trick Sonic fans who didn't know what they were buying into.
Epic is striving to bring more games to its digital storefront.
Here's what Epic Games unveiled.
Pick up a new game to play during your summer vacation.
Here's what has been discovered so far.
Earn money on your game purchases.
If this rumor is true, the next Epic Game Store game giveaway next week will be the biggest giveaway they've done in some time.
Epic Games Store still offers competition against Steam.
You can try it out for yourself from today to see what the fuss is all about.
Claim your copy today.
Claim your copies today.
Only a few weeks left until a new space adventure dawns.
Claim your copies today.
Claim your copies today!
Includning one of the higest-rated games ever!
This is a welcome change, but also one that's long overdue, for the PC game storefront that's been notoriously slow to catch up to even the most basic features.
Check out the collection of games below.
A new string of code was uncovered.
Time for a brand new chapter.
It's only been out a few hours but Steam players aren't happy.