XCOM: Chimera Squad – How To Use Cheats | Console Commands Guide
Fix bugs and cheat your way to victory with these helpful cheat console commands.
Fix bugs and cheat your way to victory with these helpful cheat console commands.
Breach like a boss with these ridiculously useful ability combos for XCOM: Chimera Squad.
Enhance your squad with new Epic Weapons in XCOM: Chimera Squad. Here's what each exotic weapon can do for you.
This looks pretty fun!
Quick patch released already!
There's a trophy waiting for you at the very end of Chapter 14. Grab it and earn a bonus Elemental Materia with this location.
Don't miss out on the missable side-quests in Chapter 9. Here's how to get them all.
Score some great games without breaking the bank.
PC Gaming Show will highlight games coming to the platform.
Did you miss the concert? There's more times to attend!
This is going to be epic!
Prepare for launch!
This is not a screenshot!
Struggling to beat the toughest battle in the game? Here's how to win.