Xenoblade Chronicles X Definitive Edition Gets New Screenshots!
Yep! Still beautiful!
You're seeing the pattern here, right?
The new collection drops next month.
Context matters here.
Here's your last chance to enjoy these games on the service.
Here's your official breakdown of January Wave 1.
Get ready for another wild ride.
Leadbetter also admits this is a conservative estimate, but at least it's based on something.
As it turns out, this wasn't just as simple as Nintendo getting to claim their own version of DLSS.
Richard Leadbetter argues this 'worst-case' scenario could still be quite good for Nintendo.
Oh this anime is going to be literally sick.
Paul Verhoeven is working in Hollywood again, just saying.
Whether the show is now part of the deal or it's replaced, the stakes are high for this Horizon movie.
Some familiar faces among the chaos.
Can't you just hear the theme music already?
A group of Holy Relics.
A fitting way to celebrate!
Something to enjoy while we wait for Mafia: The Old Country.