Minecraft’s world is generated randomly, based on a series of “seeds” that populate the world with the necessary details to make up any Minecraft environment. It’s an almost unlimited game world based on algorithms that’ll make your mind explode if you try to think too hard about how the coders made it work. By default, the game grabs the current system time as the basic input for the starting values of a world and runs with that, but thankfully, seeds can be influenced and copied and pasted into Minecraft’s underlying code, allowing players to share the core worlds they play in.
Best Minecraft Nintendo Switch Seeds
[NOTE: To enter a seed, input the BOLDED seed titles listed below into the Seed Generator.]
Latest Seeds
Talk about some people’s luck! Here’s a seed where someone came across a 21-diamond vein. Get to harvesting those diamonds at 26,845,-58,423.
Do you love seeds that focuses on awesome village generations? Then check this one out! It’s a seed where you spawn right in a village that is connected right outside a massive cave. Just make sure you mind your step!
As others have said, when you venture too far off the world can just break and spit out some unique structures. But sometimes you get some truly crazy look areas. Like for example this area that features a massive crater. If you’re for the journey you’ll find the exact location at -3332131,321,-1136744.
Here’s an interesting world generation. It looks like at spawn you’ll find a woodland mansion but with a shipwreck on top of the building.
Here’s a cool find! Looks like this seed offers a killer mountainous surrounding which has a village, pillager tower and a woodland mansion tucked inside the clearing. You’ll find this area by venturing over to 350,125,300.
Some seeds seem to have everything and will make you restart your world build. For instance, there is seed generation featuring a island that has not only a woodland mansion, but a village and a shipwreck as well. You’ll find this at 242,-285.
Now here is an interesting seed. It looks like someone generated a world where a village is just barely hanging on to dear life. One wrong step and you’re falling into a pit of lava. This is also noted to be right at spawn. I didn’t see the connection until someone else mentioned it on the Reddit post, but this perfectly looks like its a step into a Stranger Things episode.
Here’s a seed if you enjoy villages. It looks like someone managed to generate a seed that is filled with villages to come across so you’ll never be lonely when exploring.
Some seeds are just impressive to take in from his landscape creations. In this seed we’re getting two giant islands that are right next to each other. As noted by the individual who found the seed, they refer to this location as the Twin Islands. Just venture over to 128,412.
If you like shipwreck seeds then this one to check out. It looks like this world generation managed to put a shipwreck right inside a Pillager Outpost.
Here is a pretty incredible seed generation. In this seed you’re getting five blacksmiths in a village that is completely surrounded by Cherry Grove. You’ll even find an outpost right outside of the area. You’ll want to venture over to 125,70,125.
Here’s an unusual seed generation. One player managed to discover a village that only has one building and no villagers. It makes you wonder what happened here. You just need to venture over to -184,103,291.
Here is a seed that had sparked some attention online. Players will find that this seed spawns them in a jungle temple island. However, what’s even more bizarre there is a desert temple floating out in the ocean not far off from the shore.
Here’s a seed that generates an awesome island to live on. You’ll have pretty much all the essentials you could want. Add in the fact that the small island has a woodland mansion and a village should make for quite an amazing build.
Check out this seed that fans quickly took as an incredible find. It’s not close to spawn but you can find a massive snow mountain ring to build within. There’s even a ice formed doorway arch to go through. You just need to venture over to 8474,110,5651.
This seed puts players into a small woodland area surrounded by the snow tundra. However, what’s interesting is that this area has a small village along with a Woodland Mansion nestled within. You can find the area at 77,184,63.
With this seed players are going to discover two villages next to each other that reaches out into the ocean. But what makes it a bit more unique is the fact that one of the villages connects right into a giant sinkhole. You can find that sinkhole village located at the following coordinates, -24,67,174.
If you want a crazy survival island seed then check this one out. It’s not an island but a Woodland Mansion above a massive sinkhole. This looks like an incredible area to build upon if you can manage to get your way up onto the Woodland Mansion. You just need to venture to the following coordinates 353,96,-723.
Here’s a seed that throws players a fun survival island build. You have a decent size island to work off from which includes an attached village. However, you’ll find the trees limited and only near an outpost. The whole island can be viewed at the coordinates 184,117,169.
We always appreciate seeds that are uncovered with just some truly unique generations. This one highlights a small island that is full of shipwrecks. Apparently this was one problematic landmass that caused four ships to meet their demise. I’m sure you can come up with some unique visuals to build from with this location. To see the full shipwreck location you’ll need to venture to the following coordinates. -1194,119,-1199.
Here’s a seed that has quite the epic village generation. Players can find two villages connected together on top of a mountain. It’s also centered around plenty of snow covered mountains which makes it quite a visual treat to take in. You just have to venture over to the following coordinates. -87,197.