There’s a secret ending in Lords of the Fallen and it is by far the most elaborate quest in the game. To get this ending, you’ll need to betray everyone around you, kill important NPCs and battle a secret final boss that’s much, much more difficult than the standard endings. If you think you’re up for unleashing the Putrid Mother on Mournstead, here’s how to complete every step of the Umbral ending. Trust us, this is one seriously messed-up ending.
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Umbral Ending Guide
NOTE: This quest will result in the deaths of important characters. Killing characters will instantly end their storylines.
WARNING: You must complete all preparations before entering the final castle — after defeating the Iron Wayfarer Boss, progress no further if you haven’t completed the Mother’s Lull steps.
The Umbral Ending is the darkest and most difficult ending to unlock in Lords of the Fallen. You’ll need to kill multiple major NPCs and can accidentally lock yourself into an impossible situation if you’re not prepared for the difficult secret final boss. I recommend saving this ending for a NG+ run that is no more difficult (+0) — the final boss is extremely difficult, so this will give you the best possible chance to win. When you’re ready, follow the steps below.
Step #1: Reaching Revelation Depths

Go to the Revelation Depths (accessible from the Sunless Skein area, near the Skintaker Boss) and reach the bottom level. Defeat the boss past the Depths Vestige. Check out our Revelation Depths Guide to learn more about its location.
- Purchase the Umbral Scouring Clump from the Umbral Vendor Molhu in Skyrest Bridge. It costs x50 Umbral Scouring.
- Use the Umbral Scouring Clump on the altar in the Revelation Depths boss arena at the bottom level of the area. Select [Hand Over Umbral Scouring].
You’ll teleport into Mother’s Lull. This strange Umbral zone is populated by a terrifying giant eye and husks. Interact with the husks to acquire Seedpods.
Step #2: Using The Seedpods

The husk in Mother’s Lull will give you key items called Seedpods. The first is the Damarose Seedpod. Give a Seedpod to the corresponding character, then return to the Mother’s Lull to get another. Repeat this process. For each seedpod you deliver, a new anchor point will appear in Mother’s Lull. We’ll need all of them to complete the path and reach the Putrid Mother in the distance.
- Damarose: She first appears in the Sanctuary of Baptism area, near the boss arena. If you exhaust her dialogue, she appears at a different location.
- Gerlinde: The Blacksmith is an important character, so you may want to wait before using this seedpod. She is found in Skyrest, or in the lower levels of Pilgrim’s Perch after reaching the Bellroom Vestige. You’ll need to free her from the prison area to give her this seedpod.
Give the seedpod to Damarose, then return to Mother’s Lull. Get the second seedpod to Gerlinde the blacksmith. This will PERMANENTLY KILL the blacksmith. Only do this when you’re fully prepared for the final boss. I recommend waiting until you have a weapon at +10 and have the runes you want set.
Step #3: Placing The First Umbral Parasite

Next, the husk in Mother’s Lull will tell you to ‘free the spawn from Rhogar flesh‘ — you’ll need to defeat the Lightreaper boss in Upper Calrath. If you kill him at any point, you’ll acquire The Lightreaper’s Umbral Parasite. His last arena is in Upper Calrath on the way to the final arena.
- Go back to Molhu’s Room in Skyrest Bridge. If you’ve done everything right up until this point, you’ll be able to place the Umbral Parasite in the pillar to the right of Molhu. This can only be done in the Umbral realm.
NOTE: If the pillar is still caged, try turning off and restarting the game. This should unlock the pillar.
Step #4: Getting The Withered Rune of Adyr

Return to the husk in Mother’s Lull. This time, you’ll need to hand over the Rune of Adyr. This is acquired during the main story — you’ll get the Rune of Adyr from the Abbey or after defeating the Iron Wayfarer boss directly outside Bramis Castle
- After defeating the Iron Wayfarer, DO NOT ENTER the castle ahead or you’ll be permanently locked out of the Umbral ending. You’ll trigger the Inferno ending automatically after reaching Melchoir.
After handing over the Rune of Adyr, you’ll acquire the Withered Rune of Adyr and Melchoir’s Seedpod.
Step #5: Using Melchoir’s Seedpod

Now that you have the Withered Rune of Adyr, you’re set to unlock the Umbral ending. You can progress through the final area and defeat the boss Melchoir.
- Use the Withered Rune of Adyr in Upper Calrath to unlock the doors to Bramis Castle. After using the rune, progress and defeat the boss at the end of the path.
- Bramis Castle is a long and difficult dungeon. At this stage, you only need to reach the end and defeat the boss. You can’t screw anything up.
Progress until you defeat the Sundered Monarch. After killing the king, go to the giant effigy above the throne. Interact with the floating body — exhaust all dialogue options, then choose ‘Use Melchior’s Seedpod’ to destroy the body.
Step #6: The Last Umbral Parasites

Next, we need another Umbral Parasite. This one is acquired from the Iron Wayfarer. Depending on how you played, different results can occur.
- If you defeated the Iron Wayfarer outside Bramis Castle, travel to the Fief of the Chill Curse. From the Fief Vestige, go up the ladders and follow the main path to the upper snowy ledge — go past the invisible archer and over the wall. On the other side, you’ll find an Umbral Flowerbed. The Iron Wayfarer is standing on the snowy ledge.
- The Iron Wayfarer can only be seen in the Umbral realm. Talk to him and choose to ‘Use Withered Rune of Adyr‘ — this gives you Harkyn’s Umbral Parasite.
NOTE: If you did not fight and defeat the Iron Wayfarer outside Bramis Castle, he will appear in the last location he appeared in the game world.
- Return to the Molhu’s Room in Skyrest Bridge and select ‘Hand over Harkyn’s Umbral Parasite‘ into the container. This can only be done in the Umbral realm.
- Talk to Molhu to learn what to do next. If that isn’t clear, talk to Pieta and select ‘Use Soulflay on Pieta‘ — this initiates the Elianne, the Starved boss fight.
NOTE: If you want to purchase any Remembrance Weapons, do it now before completing the next steps. Spend all your remembrance currency now before killing Molhu.
Step #7: Defeat Elianne, the Starved

To fight Elianne again, interact with the ghostly form of Pietra to confront her again. Elianne is an extremely difficult alternate Umbral version of Elianne — she uses Umbral magic and spawns a copy that attacks in melee range while you must fight her from afar. Destroying the copy will instantly put Elianne in a stunned state, allowing you to perform a powerful attack.
WARNING: This fight is extremely difficult, so I recommend only using the Seedpod on the blacksmith until you’re ready for this fight.
Defeat Elianne, the Starved then return to Skyrest Bridge. In the Umbral, interact with a third pillar and select ‘Hand over Elianne’s Umbral Parasite‘. After storing another parasite, talk to Molhu — you’ll be given the option to ‘Enter Mother’s Lull‘.
Enter Mother’s Lull to initiate the ending. Lash the anchor points on the platform to approach the massive Umbral being in the distance.
Once you reach the final altar, you’ll join with the Putrid Mother and join the realms. Enjoy your extremely weird ending!